Pre-takeoff checklist
I was munching on some chips and salsa the other day with a newly minted CFI buddy of mine, and we were discussing things that we wished our CFIs had taught us or taken a different approach with. Which is the subject of this post:
?-What things do you wish you would have learned better, differently, experienced, or would have enjoyed being exposed too or that either you missed out on with your CFI or that you wish your CFI would have covered with you or maybe you would have perferred a different approach to teaching?
(examples: more structured lesson, sim-engine failures to grass strips, actually IMC...whatever.)
I know it might be a challenge to think back to when you were a student working on your private and with hindsight being 20/20; I would love to hear some thoughts from everyone.
?-What things do you wish you would have learned better, differently, experienced, or would have enjoyed being exposed too or that either you missed out on with your CFI or that you wish your CFI would have covered with you or maybe you would have perferred a different approach to teaching?
(examples: more structured lesson, sim-engine failures to grass strips, actually IMC...whatever.)
I know it might be a challenge to think back to when you were a student working on your private and with hindsight being 20/20; I would love to hear some thoughts from everyone.