(wx) So, Denver


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
and all of N & FR Colorado....do you get much snow there? (lol)

(it's 72 here, btw heehee :D)
In town (Denver), not yet. Forecast (and the grocery stores) are expecting the next Ice Age. I watched people loading up grocery carts as if they were hunkering down for the next 3 months. So it'll snow (and snow a lot, if the forecasts are right) for 2 days, then by Tuesday, in the 40s and by the weekend, possibly the lower 60s. I live 2 blocks from the grocery store, which is on the corner of 2 main city roads and 3 blocks from the interstate. My worst problem is getting out of the driveway.

As for your 72 - just think of us next July when your temps are pushing 100 and we're in the 80s & 90s. As for all the places I've lived (Texas: Dallas/Austin/Houston), Buffalo, NY and Phoenix, I'll take Denver & Colorado any time. It's the timezone everyone forgets about (we're happy about that, thanks) and even the worst weather only lasts a couple days. Of course we have problems (who doesn't?) but nothing at the political level of those other states (ok, yes we have 3rd Congressional district Rep. B*****t, but that's not up for discussion on POA).
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I'm in Colorado Springs, about 60 miles south of Denver and I agree with Murphey...no bugs to speak of (like in the south), no humidity to cause webs to grow between our toes, and clear blue sky in the summer. Just tourists trying to escape from those things!
On Monday I will be driving through Shiprock in NW New Mexico, Cortez in southwest Colorado, then through Moab, Provo and Salt Lake City Utah, then southeast Idaho through Pocatello and Idaho Falls, then into Montana through Helena and Great Falls making Conrad the destination. Any weather problems forecasted in those areas?
I’m in Cheyenne, the “brunt of the storm”. It just started snowing, About 14 hrs later than forecasted.

We will see how this storm turns out
Here in Iowa the forecast went from a mostly rain event Sunday day to almost all snow event overnight. All of our snow for the season has melted and has been feeling like spring. Early April Fool's joke I suppose.
I'm in a suburb of Denver between KBJC (Broomfield) and KEIK) Erie. Our snow was 36 hours late, and while I'm currently 20 miles south in Denver proper, it's been quite underwhelming here. Maybe one inch accumulation here, though the initial rain and rain/snow mix will make driving messy and unpleasant as it freezes overnight.

Current predictions warn of 6-12 inches of snow overnight and through 1am Monday, but that is a far cry from the 40+ inches of snow forecast a few days ago. I do not envy the meteorologists - they're really in a no-win situation. With working from home, this is more entertainment than anything.

Zeldman, you probably want to take a close look at your driving route. We're expecting more snow mid-week, details undetermined.
It’s been nice in WI. I’ve been boiling down maple syrup.

I haven’t done so in years, kinda an on the fly test run.

Curious and apologize for the thread drift but how long does it take to get that much sap out of the tree?
Looked like a nothing burger earlier this morning but then the winds picked up and snow started drifting.

Just make sure it’s gone and the golf courses and airports are open by June.
The news I was reading said Denver might get 5 feet of snow.

Unfortunately that implies the meteorologists have joined in the same "overdramatization" behavior most of the rest of the media seems to have adopted to capture attention. Seems every news event is a potential apocalypse these days.

Looked like a nothing burger earlier this morning but then the winds picked up and snow started drifting.

It's clear skies, sunny and headed for 40 today in the northern Rockies (I'm going flying this afternoon!), but we've had our days this winter. And we could still get a blast and dump just like Colorado in the next 6 weeks. Hope ya'll get dug out quick, the snow melts and spring is here soon! My 4WD Ford F350 diesel out behind the shop, in the shelter of the trees where there's not much drifting - sometimes I wonder why anybody lives here:
Winter in the Rockies1.jpg
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The news I was reading said Denver might get 5 feet of snow.
One computer model showed that on Monday. As the week progressed the low pressure disorganized and didn't center over ABQ so the upslope was weaker than needed.

The low that is rotating some snow into my area right now is super tight and nowhere near reaching into the Gulf for moisture to feed it.

So... We're getting a pretty standard but very very wet snow spring storm. It rained on the first couple inches out here yesterday and the rest is like cement.

Going to be the regular spring mud bog in a few days...

Check out that Subaru booty! Lol
Did I mention the 1985 John Deere snowblower didn't start for the second time in its life? Last time it needed a new carb.

The tractor bucket hydraulics also partially failed.

It may be time for this old cheapskate to spend some money on new equipment.

Especially since the neighbor will be over tomorrow to clear the driveway in heated enclosed cab John Deere comfort, just to tease me. (And help me out.)

My wallet has been wimpering about this for a while now. Haha.
Zeldman, you probably want to take a close look at your driving route. We're expecting more snow mid-week, details undetermined.

Thanks, starting to get a gut feeling to postpone a week.

We got blasted with snow here in Gallup last night. Woke up to almost 1/3 of an inch on the ground... And the ground is soft underneath the snow. Expecting more mud this afternoon.....
Here in Colorado Springs we only have about 8 inches plus and pretty strong wind gusts so I am postponing the snowblowing until the winds abate. By that time the drifts should be stabilized. Tomorrow it will be time to work on the hangar apron and taxiway :(
Just north of KAPA (Centennial) by about 5 miles....Dog went out first thing this morning but at this point....I've shoveled the back patio 4 times today so use the doggie door, ok?. He looked at me, crossed his back legs and definitely conveyed the statement "aint going out there, will hold it forever". Wouldn't eat his breakfast, either. Where I didn't shovel, over a foot. And wind still blowing, snow still coming down.


Weather this coming weekend - in the 60s.
Curious and apologize for the thread drift but how long does it take to get that much sap out of the tree?

Sorry for some drifting; under the right conditions I can get two pails a day, per tree, these are a bit undersized pails. The right conditions are, freezing at night, day temps at 40 or more, sun helps. One usually taps the S or SW side of the tree. A tree with many branches in more open areas is better than a tree in dense woods, fewer branches & sunlight.
Here’s part of my finished product.A462697C-5D08-4754-B1A8-538FA0262484.jpeg


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gonna be purty there when the sun comes out
The airport plows the hangars but only up to 2 feet away from the doors. If I don't get out there Monday or Tuesday to shovel out the 3 "ruts" for the tires, it'll be solid ice for a couple weeks regardless of the temps this coming weekend. Wed looks like the perfect day for PTO, shovel then go fly.
Yep, still snowing, blowing and drifting.
Plowing once every couple of hours and can’t keep up. Let it snow.
Came in from the last run and my wife said they just issued a blizzard warning. I said yeah, I couldn’t find the house on the way in.
Was 0/0 and still is.
On Monday I will be driving through Shiprock in NW New Mexico, Cortez in southwest Colorado, then through Moab, Provo and Salt Lake City Utah, then southeast Idaho through Pocatello and Idaho Falls, then into Montana through Helena and Great Falls making Conrad the destination. Any weather problems forecasted in those areas?

I'm in Sunburst area about 60 miles north of Conrad on I-15 . Wind is blowing , Snow mostly gone . Forcast out a week looks good here , just wind . Highs in the 50's and 60's for coming week. Less then a 12 hour drive from Salt Lake to Conrad , all on 15.
I'm in Sunburst area about 60 miles north of Conrad on I-15 . Wind is blowing , Snow mostly gone . Forcast out a week looks good here , just wind . Highs in the 50's and 60's for coming week. Less then a 12 hour drive from Salt Lake to Conrad , all on 15.

Thanks for the pirep. The trip is going to be postponed for a couple weeks due to too many small problems that came up all at once.

If this deal comes together can I stay at your house until I find a place to stay.?? :lol::lol:
See it was under there.

And the Starlink dish is behaving impressively for being in his temporary ground mounted location in a drift. LOL.



I tried to clear some of it. Got the ATV plow stuck twice while not even plowing. The bottom 6" is so wet and heavy that the ATV won't push it.
No place to go, anyway, so letting the sun do its thing.
A couple from downtown-ish Denver about 8pm on Sunday night. That highway in the first photo? Interstate 25 - it usually has a bit more traffic. Second photo is a popular on/off ramp for the highway.

I just sat tight until this afternoon and everything was wide open and clear, except for the first and last half-mile of alley and tertiary streets. Lots of drifted snow, ice crusting, and we got at least some more wet snow this evening. Happy to be working from home with a full fridge and liquor cabinet!

20210314-Denver snow-P1020390.jpg

20210314-Denver snow-P1020329.jpg