WTF was I thinking


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 8, 2015
Santa Barbara, CA
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cl.jpg So I got this "i ain't got time to be going through the whole dam fine print everything including make sure your shoelaces are tied checklist right now i'll do that later when i gots more time to bury my head in the cockpit for awhile while i read it" home made generic one that covers the range of airplanes that I fly. And the GUMPY thing at the bottom that I do a bunch of times during the last phases of flight. The answers to some of it of course is this cheap azz airplane ain't got one of those. G is fullest tank which is often both. The little p at the top is some airplanes have boost pumps. But I've gone brain dead on what I meant with the little d under the G. Any guesses? Planes I've flown recently are C182RG, C182, C177RG, C172RG and a bunch of 172's
Direct vs crossfeed?
If anyone else is having a hard time reading those sentences, here’s a translation:

“I wrote my own checklist.”
ifn you can't read it, it's not important.

Checklists are important.

That’s why most of them are written out instead of an acronym that you can’t remember what the subscript symbols is for. :)

D = I put this DUMB D here and can’t remember why now. :) :) :)
Checklists are important.

That’s why most of them are written out instead of an acronym that you can’t remember what the subscript symbols is for. :)

D = I put this DUMB D here and can’t remember why now. :) :) :)

Maybe I’m not me. The other me did it. What was that movie, schwartznagger, mars... Ah Ha!!! Total Recall. I was sending myself a message

EDIT: uh oh. Isn’t that the movie where some chick had three....Control yourself @mscard88
Does SCENT in the top left corner mean this page stinks?

Looks like DESCENT, it’s cut off. I do know one thing, he has CF in the lower left corner, and this page sure is one cluster...
Does SCENT in the top left corner mean this page stinks?

I made it a few years ago. I’ll give it a scratch n sniff and see. Ell, probably oughta make a new one anyway and get rid of the d if I can’t figure out what it means
Missing some red underling lines for the most important points.
Maybe I’m not me. The other me did it. What was that movie, schwartznagger, mars... Ah Ha!!! Total Recall. I was sending myself a message

EDIT: uh oh. Isn’t that the movie where some chick had three....Control yourself @mscard88

Three? Three, like one, two, three? We talkin' bout uh, boobs right? Three huh. Humph...
yep. Just make sure it's the old Arnold movie and not the remake from a couple years ago. Copyright date should start with "19" . . .

Same thing with music recording “remastering”. Damn it, leave the original recording alone.

It shows the tech available at the time to the fullest even if it wasn’t up to the ProTools click track pop crap of today.
But I've gone brain dead on what I meant with the little d under the G. Any guesses?
Are you sure that's a "D" and not a "B" (Both) or "F" (Fullest)? It sure doesn't look like a little 'd' to me.

Planes I've flown recently are C182RG, C182, C177RG, C172RG and a bunch of 172's
With those Cessnas there is no pump if it's carb'ed and you only touch the pump during priming if it's fuel injected. I can't recall a Cessna where you mess with a boost pump on landing.
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Are you sure that's a "D" and not a "B" (Both) or "F" (Fullest)? It sure doesn't look like a little 'd' to me.

With those Cessnas there is no pump if it's carb'ed and you only touch the pump during priming if it's fuel injected. I can't recall a Cessna where you mess with a boost pump on landing.

I could have meant a b for both. That would pass the logic check. I had been flying an Arrow a year or so before I did that, that might have been on my mind when I did the p for pump.