Women are not pulling their weight


Taxi to Parking
Gone West
Feb 26, 2005
Ft Lauderdale FL
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In over 4 millennia of Patriarchal society that has never once worked well, I blame women, all the way from then until now. Women have the ability to change the way men not only think, but act as well, and to do it in a matter of weeks, not on an evolutionary time scale, and no great wars need be fought to do it. It just requires cooperation, just turn off the *****. Simple as that. Men are easy to program and reprogram, to reformat, you just turn off the ***** for a month, globally.

Everything men have ever done through time immemorial and across species has been in the interest of getting laid. What men do now, the way they act, it is what is socially programmed into them as the imperative qualities for getting laid. It's what you women want.

It is the woman's responsibility for setting these priorities and standards, and women, you are failing at your job.
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In over 4 millennia of Patriarchal society that has never once worked well, I blame women, all the way from then until now. Women have the ability to change the way men not only think, but act as well, and to do it in a matter of weeks, not on an evolutionary time scale, and no great wars need be fought to do it. It just requires cooperation, just turn off the *****. Simple as that. Men are easy to program and reprogram, to reformat, you just turn off the ***** for a month, globally.

Everything men have ever done through time immemorial and across species has been in the interest of getting laid. What men do now, the way they act, it is what is socially programmed into them as the imperative qualities for getting laid. It's what you women want.

It is the woman's responsibility for setting these priorities and standards, and women, you are failing at your job.

Man are you in trouble.
Put down the beer Henning...good point though.
In over 4 millennia of Patriarchal society that has never once worked well, I blame women, all the way from then until now. Women have the ability to change the way men not only think, but act as well, and to do it in a matter of weeks, not on an evolutionary time scale, and no great wars need be fought to do it. It just requires cooperation, just turn off the *****. Simple as that. Men are easy to program and reprogram, to reformat, you just turn off the ***** for a month, globally.

Everything men have ever done through time immemorial and across species has been in the interest of getting laid. What men do now, the way they act, it is what is socially programmed into them as the imperative qualities for getting laid. It's what you women want.

It is the woman's responsibility for setting these priorities and standards, and women, you are failing at your job.

Translation: I just did a fat chick and I'm now ashamed of myself. I wish she had a better sense of self respect and left the bar with somebody else.
The ancestors knew, we are relearning. Suffrage is a key endnote in all the great societies.
Somehow, the threat of losing Facebook friends seems akin to serving Russia with a UN resolution.
Men are easy to program and reprogram, to reformat, you just turn off the ***** for a month, globally.

Unless I've misunderstood the blanked word, even the ancient Greeks knew that wouldn't work, and why; go read Aristophanes' play Lysistrata
Actually you were doubly wrong, I didn't just do a fat chick, and I wouldn't be ashamed if I did.

Well then technically a double wrong would make it right again, correct?
I did a fat chick once..........

And I would add that alerting women of this potential is against the Man Code.
I did a fat chick once..........

And I would add that alerting women of this potential is against the Man Code.

Men have proven themselves unworthy of leadership, their priorities are wrong. Look at the rest of the animal kingdom, women do everything, men are sperm donors who hang out, eat, sleep, and ****. How did we **** that up?
The most valuable commodity in the world. Petroleum and coffee are next.

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Actually you were doubly wrong, I didn't just do a fat chick, and I wouldn't be ashamed if I did.

Must be all that time in Italy taking effect. They'll do anything...
Bet you've been riding mopeds too.
Henning, I have officially put in a request to have your man card voided. Why in the hell are you giving women the truth! :lol:
Henning, I have officially put in a request to have your man card voided. Why in the hell are you giving women the truth! :lol:

Because men are proving incapable of correct decision making to protect future generations. In fairness, it's not their fault, by nature it's not their job, that's what females do. It's all women's fault for being to lazy to control their men.
If patriarchal rule is so bad, then why are we still around after 4 millennia?
And why is Islam growing so rapidly? Aren't they the most misogynist
and patriarchal group around? And actually, it has been much more than 4 millennia of patriarchal rule.
If patriarchal rule is so bad, then why are we still around after 4 millennia?
And why is Islam growing so rapidly? Aren't they the most misogynist
and patriarchal group around? And actually, it has been much more than 4 millennia of patriarchal rule.

Because we breed well and are pretty hearty. If it's good why are we in a grave yard spiral of waste and destruction?:dunno: It took a long time to get this ****ed up and we had to develop a lot of technology to get it to this point. We are still around because we have not yet hit the end of the timeline we exist in, we have not yet hit the tipping point, we are not that fast of breeders and did not develop the technology to wrest control of the population from the typical natural sources like disease, birth defect, and stupidity until relatively recently. In the last 6 generations we have septupled the population with no increase in natural resource and no good plan for future resource requirements.

We are still around because there's still one more generation to be born.
Should one care to delve deeper, I think it is 'The Third Chimpanzee' by Jarrod Diamond that dissects much of this. Then look at 'Guns, Germs & Steel' followed up with a book or 2 by Joseph Campbell.

Often I choose to just 'hang on loosely', to much serious thought can be hard on the mind. Hand me that PBR.
It isn't all the women's fault.

Sigmund summed us up. "Man's most basic nature is to kill his neighbor, take all his possessions and rape his wife."

We are apex predator scumbag killer rapists in social chains like tigers in a cage. ... :idea:
Man, all you guys are in trouble.
It is not my job to control you or any other man. If you cannot prevent yourself from doing fat chicks, looking at porn, or getting a boner every time you visit a beach, that's your own problem. I'm working hard enough at being and becoming a respectable corporate pilot! Women had to fight for that one too thank you! /rant

I do agree that there are women out there that don't respect themselves in the way they look and act. Many do it for the easy attention and money. This, in turn, hurts those women that are trying to have respect in the workplace, love lives, and life in general. It's not easy on women either though. Many would love to find that "perfect one" only to realize that the only thing they ever get complimented on are their looks or how they act in bed. I haven't done research on it but I strongly believe that men are hardwired to think differently than women in this respect. Such as why is it that women get whistled at running down the road but don't at the beach? You also cannot just outlaw porn without changing the mindsets of people and this is in no way easy. Outlawing it will only make the desperate ones find other options. Now with this being said, it isn't fair to group all men together nor is it fair to blame all women. There are vastly different types of people out there which is what makes this world a difficult but wonderful place.
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I'm subscribing to this thread but being married bars me from saying what I really think.

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... If you cannot prevent yourself from doing fat chicks, looking at porn, or getting a boner every time you visit a beach, that's your own problem.....

I don't see a 'problem' with any of those...except the last one if I'm wearing a speedo. Which I sometimes do, u know, on special occasions. :goofy:
]If you cannot prevent yourself from doing fat chicks, looking at porn, or getting a boner every time you visit a beach, that's your own problem.

How is any of that stuff a problem?