Cut'n past from original Reddit post...
So this lady tried citing the Articles of Confederation, which made her a "free inhabitant", which she claims gives her all the rights of a US citizen without having to follow any US laws.
Yes, she does
really say that.
Clearly, she is unaware that the Articles of Confederation were superseded by the US constitution. She is also unaware that "free inhabitant" is literally referencing people who are not slaves, not some sort of protected super-class of people. She is also unaware that the Articles of Confederation are not part of US code. She is, finally, also unaware of the definition of rape.
Honestly, I kind of feel bad for people like this. Someone lied to these people
like crazy and got away with their money. It's a good scam when you think about it. Take people's money with some bull**** pseudo-intellectual legalese, then allow these people to get arrested by the government, then profit off of it further when they get mad about the arrest. The government can't come after you when you force the government to keep arresting your victims. I wonder if there would be a way to charge these people with illegally giving legal advice without being an attorney.
Good additional post by
/u/Markshlaf about Article 4 of the AoC:
According to this
University of Chicago website Article IV in verbatim is: "The better to secure and perpetuate mutual friendship and intercourse among the people of the different states in this union, the free inhabitants of each of these states, paupers, vagabonds and fugitives from justice excepted, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several states; and the people of each state shall have free ingress and regress to and from any other state, and shall enjoy therein all the privileges of trade and commerce, subject to the same duties, impositions and restrictions as the inhabitants thereof respectively, provided that such restriction shall not extend so far as to prevent the removal of property imported into any state, to any other state, of which the Owner is an inhabitant; provided also that no imposition, duties or restriction shall be laid by any state, on the property of the united states, or either of them.".
To better understand this Article I decided to look up what a "free inhabitant" was, and according to
this Official USA Census website a "free inhabitant" was simply a free person, AKA a person that was not a slave. Therefore, Article IV basically says that free inhabitants, who were not homeless (vagabonds), extremely poor so as to be on state welfare (paupers), or criminals, could travel freely between the several states and be protected in each as if they were a citizen of that state. The catch is that this protection came with a duty to follow the laws of that state (eg needing a driving licence in order to drive in California). In conclusion, Article IV's goal was to allow the free people of the several states to move freely between the states, so as to "perpetuate mutual friendship and intercourse" (giggity).
TL;DR the girl in this video is stupid and doesn't know what she's saying.