Wings Fly-B-Que Update


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 24, 2005
Montgomery County PA
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Adam Zucker
The Wings KLOM Fly-B-Q is less than two weeks away and we have a pretty good response. right now it looks like we will have between 18-25 people including guests of pilots, about 7 planes and hopefully one helo ( Bob hope you make it). Its still not to late to sign up! just post here or shoot me an email.

I am also excited to tell everyone that Ron Levy has agreed to give a talk and live demonstration on what's what under the cowl. Ron will use his Tiger and if any other attendees are willing he can use your plane as well! Better yet Ron is attempting to get those that attend WINGs credit for his presentation. This presentation was conceived from a post on preflights that appeared on this board about two weeks ago.

So here are the Details:
Place: Wings Field (KLOM) Just north west of Philadelphia
Date: Saturday May 14, 2005
Time: We'll get started around 1:30 PM
(Those that want can attend the AOPA meeting at Noon)
Price: $8.00 pp covers Burgers,Dogs, Fixins, sides, Drinks, etc.

If flying in call Wings unicom on CTAF 123.0 Upon clearing the Active tell them you are here for the Fly In and they will direct you to parking. Remember Montgomery County Aviation @ Wings is offering Fly-B-Q attendees a deep discount on their regular fuel prices which will not be offered to non Fly-B-Q traffic that day. I will give those that want them a voucher to obtain the fuel discount. While I encourage you to purchase fuel don't order it until after you have the voucher.
We will be gathering either at the overhang between the terminal and flight school or on the grass at the bottom of the car parking lot by the tie downs. Just look for the BBQ grills!

For those that haven't given me the number of people that they will be bringing please let me know how many ASAP.

I don't anticipate a rain date. If we have to cancel due to weather cancellations will be posted on this board under hanger talk either Friday night May 13 or early Saturday morning.


This is going to be great! Thanks, Adam for setting it up. Thanks VERY much, Ron -- I am really looking forward to your talk and demo. No doubt you've noticed how many questions I ask about engines. I have been stockpiling many more to ask you, so be forewarned! :)

Hoping for beautiful weather on the 14th.
Toby said:
So far, it's lookin' good for Saturday! :)
It is? You must be reading a different forecast from me... mine says 30% chance of showers in the afternoon for Philly. Hmmm.
kath said:
It is? You must be reading a different forecast from me... mine says 30% chance of showers in the afternoon for Philly. Hmmm.
I see that it changed since 6:30 a.m. Never fear. It's only Tuesday, and they only do this to throw us off.
Not to tempt fate or anything but our forecast for this past Saturday was miserable. Nor-Easter, rain wind yada yada yada. Long - Short is Saturday was AWESOME ! Sunny 75-79 and sunny and sunny! As Toby said its only Tuesday. Think positive.
AdamZ said:
Not to tempt fate or anything but our forecast for this past Saturday was miserable. Nor-Easter, rain wind yada yada yada. Long - Short is Saturday was AWESOME ! Sunny 75-79 and sunny and sunny! As Toby said its only Tuesday. Think positive.

Very True!! Still don't trust forecasts more than 24 hours out! I'm hoping for the best! Should we propose a weather minimum for the longer distance people? Maybe 2500' ceiling and 5 miles vis.? I'd still go if it was a under that, but a long flight would be questionable. Might make that go/no go decision a lot easier.

Gary said:
Should we propose a weather minimum for the longer distance people?

No, I think you have to let each pilot be the PIC. I hate to get all torqued up about liability but just think what might happen if you said "it's ok to fly" and somebody pranged it as the local weather was too much for them.

Skip Miller said:
No, I think you have to let each pilot be the PIC. I hate to get all torqued up about liability but just think what might happen if you said "it's ok to fly" and somebody pranged it as the local weather was too much for them.


Skip, not to speak for Gary, but what I think he intended was that we set a weather minimum for holding the Fly-B-Q not a minimum as to if someone should come or not. Of course its is 100% up to the individual if they feel secure making the flight after obtaining a thorough briefing from FSS and what ever other sources they use.
AdamZ said:
Skip, not to speak for Gary, but what I think he intended was that we set a weather minimum for holding the Fly-B-Q not a minimum as to if someone should come or not. Of course its is 100% up to the individual if they feel secure making the flight after obtaining a thorough briefing from FSS and what ever other sources they use.

I'm sure that is what he intended but that is not how it reads. But it is not a big issue for me: I wanted to post some friendly advice, not to start a deal.

Skip Miller said:
I'm sure that is what he intended but that is not how it reads.

Correct - poor choice of words on my part. Everyone needs to decide on their own.

I'm already hungry for barbeque, and I am instrument rated. We will see what the weather does, but I am game even if it is less than VFR.

But let's hope it is VFR. I am looking forward to meeting Toby and others who come from farther away.

Jim G
grattonja said:
I'm already hungry for barbeque, and I am instrument rated. We will see what the weather does, but I am game even if it is less than VFR.

But let's hope it is VFR. I am looking forward to meeting Toby and others who come from farther away.

Jim G
I look forward to meeting you, too, Jim, and getting together with all the folks I've met before. And Skip, why aren't you coming to this??? No more excuses, young man! :mad:

I need a good ceiling, because I like to fly over Kennedy, not do the banner route along the shoreline. I am going to be highly annoyed if this is the fourth weekend in a row that it rains!

I'm also supposed to jump out of a plane on Sunday. Maybe it could rain that day instead.
Toby said:
I look forward to meeting you, too, Jim, and getting together with all the folks I've met before. And Skip, why aren't you coming to this??? No more excuses, young man! :mad:

The best excuse I can muster - which also happens to be the truth ;) - is that I will be in Portland OR for my daughter's graduation from Reed College.

So here's hoping for good weather for you!

Skip Miller said:
I will be in Portland OR for my daughter's graduation from Reed College.
Ahh! Well, in that case you get a hall pass. Congratulations to you and your daughter.

Next time I will not be so lenient.
Toby said:
I'm also supposed to jump out of a plane on Sunday. Maybe it could rain that day instead.
Errrrr...... run that one by me again Toby? Did you say "jump out of a plane"? That's :goofy:

Well, if it's a little less than VFR on Saturday I'll try to come anyway. I have this brand-spanking-new IR ticket and it hasn't even gotten wet yet!

Surprise Surprise. I *MAY* come to this little gathering instead. Looks like the weather is gonna prevent me from heading west and the end of the week How's the eastern seaboard looking??
kath said:
Did you say "jump out of a plane"?
Unfortunately, yes. :eek:

Well, if it's a little less than VFR on Saturday I'll try to come anyway. I have this brand-spanking-new IR ticket and it hasn't even gotten wet yet!
OK. We'll talk. (Check your email.)
N2212R said:
Surprise Surprise. I *MAY* come to this little gathering instead. Looks like the weather is gonna prevent me from heading west and the end of the week How's the eastern seaboard looking??
Ed, that would be great! Right now they're not saying much, except 30% chance of rain in the New York area, whatever that means. Hope you can make it.
Toby said:
Ed, that would be great! Right now they're not saying much, except 30% chance of rain in the New York area, whatever that means. Hope you can make it.

Rain doesn't bother me. MTN obscuration and icing does.
Right now, the weather "guess" is for showers on Saturday. It has been all over the map all week. I call it a weather "guess" because I don't start calling it a forecast until 48 hours before. Even then, it is more trend than likelihood. 12-24 hours out I start actually paying attention to it.

Adam, are you likely to try to make this a go if it gets to be less than VFR? I am IR, and will probably go if it is not "hard" IFR, i.e. thunderstorms or really low ceilings, etc. Also, I have to go to THV first to pick up family, as my daughter is going to a fishing derby in the am. I do have an open seat, if it is IR and someone who is VFR only still wants to go.

With LNS ILS out of service, I need about 500-600 foot ceilings, AGL, to get home. My personal minimums are more like 800-1000 at my experience. Hopefully, 143ME got a GPS database update, as LOM has a couple of good GPS approaches, and I don't like the ADF in the plane.

Just keep us all in the loop, as we get closer. Crossed fingers for VFR though. :yes:

Jim G

Another possible determining factor if you decide to hold the get together in less than perfect weather...does the facility have cover for participants?

Don't know about the Philly forecast, but the Trenton forecast for Saturday is cloudy with 40% chance of showers. Keep an eye on the weather!
I'm thinking positive. Every one else should do the same! First let me tell everyone that I spoke to Tom Dougherty the Owner of Montgomery County Aviation the FBO @ Wings. The discounted fuel price for us will be $2.89 this is over a 50 cent discount per gallon.
If we get washed out I will try to reschedual something for a date TBA. Sunday is out and Ron has graduation that day anyway.
I think we will make the call Friday evening and post it here on the board. Since it seems that everyone is within about a 2-2.5 hour flight I might even wait until first thing Saturday morning to make the call if that is not a problem for anyone. If it is please let me know. The local weather guessers have now said it will be cloudy with chance of rain later in the day. If this developes into a more reliable guess we have the option of moving the time up an hour or two to 12:30 or 11:30 am so folks can depart before it gets icky (if it ever does). Once again if this is a problem let me know! Jim if its too early for you I promise. I will save some burgers and dogs and wait for you.
Len, I was thinking that if we hold the fly in and then it rains we could move the festivites to your house, I mean your already having the big shin dig for your sons communion so whats 18-20 more people? But then again I wouldn't want to ruin a good marriage. Seriously We have one of two options If the weather is good we can hold it on the grass by the parking lot. If its iffiy there are Tables up between the terminal and the FBO. There is very big overhang there where we can BBQ and we can easliy move the Festivites inside the Terminal with the exception of the BBQ of course in a matter of less than a minute.
Keep checking the board for updates. I will also try to send everyone a private message with my cell #. Think Positive!
AdamZ said:
I think we will make the call Friday evening and post it here on the board. Since it seems that everyone is within about a 2-2.5 hour flight I might even wait until first thing Saturday morning to make the call if that is not a problem for anyone. If it is please let me know.

Hey - I got a 4 hour flight for that if the weather doesn't look too bad. Also - where's a good place to stay around there?
Ed: I will send you a message with my cell phone # so I can give you a better up date. Also there are a few good hotels/motels in the Area. I'll send you the list some are buisness hotels so the rates are pretty good on the weekend. They are all within a mile of the airport.
AOPA's surface weather maps, which I generally find to be the best of anyone's guesses, seem to have a weather front moving through, but not until sometime later in the day Saturday. So I guess we are all down to watching how fast things move.

I'm planning to be there unless it gets hard IFR. I hope for VFR, because Janet is working on her IR and will be hooded, and me as the safety pilot. So VFR is best for her. Of course, actual IFR time belongs to me until she gets her IR, so... Sometimes I pray for sun and sometimes I pray for rain :D

If someone comes out and gets stranded for a night, we do have a guest room. Of course, we are in Lancaster Co., so not too convenient for LOM, but...

Jim G
grattonja said:
If someone comes out and gets stranded for a night, we do have a guest room. Of course, we are in Lancaster Co., so not too convenient for LOM, but...

Jim G

We've already got company for the weekend unless their plans change, but we do have a nice living room if someone needs it. I'm about 1/2 hr from Wings. We'll just call it a party :)
Be warned, all who fly in from the west. I just got an AOPA warning about P-40. It is to be expanded to 10 miles from Friday through Sunday. Not unusual around here, where it pulses like a heartbeat.

Just a head's up, for those not used to P-40, in light of the day's events.

Jim G
This morning it looks like the forecast has been revised to scattered T-storms throughout the area.

I was at a Brookhaven Airport users meeting tonight with maybe 100 people, including the Safety Program Manager from FRG FSDO, Al Schnur, who I know pretty well by now, and he flies out of Wings Field. He'll be out there Saturday for the annual AOPA directors' meeting at noon, and he invited us all to come. So if you're out there early, be sure to go. I won't be able to get there until 1 or 1:30 with my RENTED plane, unfortunately. BTW, he also told me that Wings was the birthplace of AOPA, which I didn't know. Anyway, I invited him to stop by and join our picnic, and he's going to try and stick around for a while. :)
They are calling for a cold front with storms to sweep Ohio on Friday night and Sat AM. It appears that it will cover Pa on Sat. Of course that could change, but I would not count on it.
The Weather Channel's forecasts have improved to mostly cloudy for the day, with rain later in the evening. Weather Underground, otoh, is calling for 20-30% chance of rain in the morning, with 40% chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Who to believe?
For those of us who will be there regardless of weather, is there a good place to find food within walking distance of the airport should the grill owners bail on the BBQ idea?
The local forecasts are really all over the place.

In addition to what Joe posted, my local Trenton forecast (done by an actual meterologist for the local AM station) says "Partly Sunny with occasional showers". From that it sounded like rain in the morning and then again in the late afternoon.
So how bad is approaching a cold front from behind and overtaking it?
It's not looking good for tomorrow.....and today, of course, is absolutely gorgeous, sunny and clear.

If tomorrow doesn't work out, I wouldn't mind trying for next Saturday -- Wings will be celebrating its 75th anniversary. Just an idea.
Ed Guthrie said:
For those of us who will be there regardless of weather, is there a good place to find food within walking distance of the airport should the grill owners bail on the BBQ idea?

There's really nothing within walking distance.