
Been running Win 7 at home since it was officially released. Works fine. Now have it at work (company is shifting from XP to Win 7) and no problems with it at all. Except we're using the 64 bit version at work and there is one program that I've been using for years that will not run on the 64 bit version. The vendor claims they will have an update about February. We'll see...

Now, I've been using Office 2007 for almost 4 years and I'm still learning where they hid things that I knew how to do in my sleep on the previous versions...
I have 7 on my laptop that dual boots into Ubuntu. I spend most of my time in Ubuntu but have not had any issues with 7 when I do use it. Then again Vista worked for me too.

I suspect the only real issues you will have are legacy apps you need to move over.
No issues with Win 7. In fact, (pro edition) the XP virtual window runs all my 7-incompatible stuff. You need 4Gigs to make this viable.
It's also possible to take an intact XP installation and virtualize it on to Win7 (any version) using a program called Z-Install. You just need to clean up the XP installation as well as you can, install the Z-Install program on the Win7 computer, and slave the XP hard drive on to the Win7 machine. It will copy over the entire system and virtualize it onto 7.

This is not something I suggest most people do, by the way. But sometimes it makes great sense, such as when the apps on the old machine are not only not compatible with Win7, but are inter-related in such a way that trying to duplicate the installation would be nightmarish. It's also a good option when the client no longer has the installation media for the old apps and cannot obtain replacement media.


EDIT: It's also possible to use the "XP Mode" functionality to do the above. But Z-Install is faster and easier when you want to virtualize an entire, intact XP system onto 7.