Will airlines (or any commercial job) know you have a special issuance? Is it harder to get a job?



Basically the title.

Will any place you apply know you have an SI or know what the SI is for?

As well, anyone here on a Special Issuance for a psychiatric disorder and also working commercially? Would love to hear your story. Could use some inspiration right about now before I begin the painstaking and expensive process of obtaining a Special Issuance.

Depends on demand. Right now the updraft is so strong the alcohol HIMS guys are getting bonused to STAY at the regional so that they can continue to have a HIMS program.....
Depends on demand. Right now the updraft is so strong the alcohol HIMS guys are getting bonused to STAY at the regional so that they can continue to have a HIMS program.....

Interesting…and all employers will know you’re HIMS Or SI from the get go?

Let me ask this. Are you at a disadvantage when applying for jobs while holding a 1st class Special Issuance as opposed to 1st class Regular Issuance?
The official answer to your question is no. There is no discrimination. If you have a first class medical then you are good to go.

The honest answer to your question can only be answered by the person making the decision to hire or not and will never be answered.

If you don’t apply it is 100% guaranteed you will not be hired.

If you apply and don’t get hired you will likely never know the reasoning.

You should apply.
Don’t believe medical SI status comes back on a PRIA check. So it would be up to the employer to ask. Seriously doubt that will happen. All my employer (135) cared about is a copy of my medical.

Now, you can bet they’ll get involved when they’re aware of a possible disqualification or SI that occurs while you’re employed. COVID being one example.
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