Wife doing Coms advice


Pre-takeoff checklist
Nov 24, 2013
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Tomorrow i'm taking my wife on her second flight. While we'll just be doing some pattern work at another airport and then flying over our house, i'd like to have her practice doing some of the com work. i've written out some scripts for her, so she knows the information that must be shared and i've had her practice it. For example, she'll do the cold call to the controlled airport (Class D) and then tell give them the proper info requesting the option. After that, i'll take over the comms.

My questions is, is this legal? i'm thinking it is, but the last thing i'd like is a call from the tower asking me to stop by.
I don't see what the problem is. I hear cfi's take over comms all the time when students hose it up. The tower is listening for the tail number during the read back and not whose voice it is. You more experience guys correct me if I'm wrong.
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No problem at all. The plane has a station licence, but operator's license is no longer required unless you leave the USA. Ostensibly, you need to show Canadian/Mexican authorities an operator's license on request, but I have never been asked.

Bob Gardner
For pt91 stuff its fine

No script needed, who you are, where you are, what you want.

For around here and being used to work my girl doesn't rapid fire quick enough or abbreviate, controllers seem to have a 6th sense for confidence on the radio and your clearences reflect that confidence. YMMV
Mrs 6PC does it.

1st time, I pre printed out everything on post it notes and we flew to a uncontrolled field
I told her when to make a call and she did.

Last time we flew out of a controlled field, I have her some cliffs notes and she did most of the talking.

That said she has been flying with me for almost 2 years so she is very used to hearing things.
Go for it,no big deal, we all learn by doing. Your there if she needs help with the comm. . Good luck have a good flight.
thank you everyone. Creating scripts, for now, is an easy way for her to learn how to do comms and i know, with practice, that she'll feel more comfortable doing comms. It's nice to know it's perfectly legal.

On the way home, i'll be showing her how to turn and fly straight and level.
No problem at all. The plane has a station licence, but operator's license is no longer required unless you leave the USA. Ostensibly, you need to show Canadian/Mexican authorities an operator's license on request, but I have never been asked.

Bob Gardner

Bob. you know, i bought your book last year when i was contemplating returning to flying after 42 years. Comms have changed so much the last four decades and your book provided the scripts to communicate in a variety of settings. Loved the book and got my BFR in early August.

If she didn't ask to, don't. Second flight and you are giving homework. Nooooo. If she isn't dorked out on the details don't bother her with them, it is boring and will make flying a sucky thing for her.
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If she didn't ask to, don't. Second flight and you are giving homework. Nooooo. If she isn't forked out on the details don't bother her with them, it is boring and will make flying a sucky thing for her.

Actually agree with Greg for a change. Not sure why you'd bother. If she wants to participate in the flight, let her play with the controls enroute or read a chart. Not a whole lot of fun reading a script over the radio if she doesn't readly know what she's doing. If you want to give her a job, make her copy the ATIS.

If she didn't ask, let her enjoy being a passenger. You handling the whole flight will instill a lot more confidence than asking her to do stuff.
Agree on the waiting.

1st step: "Honey, can you handle dialing in the squawk code?"
2nd step: "Can you dial in 124.75 on com 1?"

The best ever was step um... probably 20
"Hey, can you fly so I can eat?" That was a game changer.
Agree on the waiting.

1st step: "Honey, can you handle dialing in the squawk code?"
2nd step: "Can you dial in 124.75 on com 1?"

The best ever was step um... probably 20
"Hey, can you fly so I can eat?" That was a game changer.

I appreciate the advice. the reason i chose coms is that we play tennis with another couple, both whom are pilots and own their own plane. After i got my BFR and took my wife on her first flight, the wife recommended that i introduce coms to my wife first. My wife is a gamer and feels comfortable with the few scripts. I'll let you all know after we fly tomorrow.
does she have thoughts about getting her own PPL?
I can only speak for me personally, but here's my list of things as I've gotten comfortable with them.

1. Squawk code (still my fav part, for some reason. I actually will knock 6PC's hand out of the way if he tries to reach for it.)
2. Radios
3. Flying the magenta line
4. Straight and level while finding a spot on the horizon or looking at instruments to make sure I'm staying where I should
5. Coms

I am fine with coms if I have a script. I get a bit flustered when I don't. I don't mind doing it, but I probably wouldn't have felt comfortable on my second flight. I don't even think I was squawking on my 2nd flight -probably just put my hands on the yoke for a quick picture at that point, if anything.

That's me though. Your wife may be way more bad azz.
Mary started tuning coms, long before talking on them.

Then she started acting as wing leveler.

Then she took the pinch hitter course, every lesson starting with "Jay just died..."

Then she got her Private.

Go slow. She will either take to it, or not. Either way, you don't want to pressure her and make it un-fun.
I can only speak for me personally, but here's my list of things as I've gotten comfortable with them.

1. Squawk code (still my fav part, for some reason. I actually will knock 6PC's hand out of the way if he tries to reach for it.)
2. Radios
3. Flying the magenta line
4. Straight and level while finding a spot on the horizon or looking at instruments to make sure I'm staying where I should
5. Coms

I am fine with coms if I have a script. I get a bit flustered when I don't. I don't mind doing it, but I probably wouldn't have felt comfortable on my second flight. I don't even think I was squawking on my 2nd flight -probably just put my hands on the yoke for a quick picture at that point, if anything.

That's me though. Your wife may be way more bad azz.

Eren and Bryan. Thank you again. I discussed both your posts with my wife and we've decided tomorrow should just be an enjoyable day for her and to wait a bit before plotting into cabin tasks. As always, i do appreciate everyone here at PoA.
I can only speak for me personally, but here's my list of things as I've gotten comfortable with them.

1. Sleeping
2. Squawk code (If I'm awake)
3. Radios (iso switch so I can sleep)
4. Flying the magenta line (aka sleeping)
5. Coms (sleeping)

I didn't mean to say she shouldn't do coms. If she wants to, then great. Just let her do whatever she's comfortable with. I mean, if she wants to doze for a few minutes, let her do it. And don't keep bringing it up later. And I strongly recommend that you don't photograph it and post it on FB. She probably won't like that.

Happy flying!
Incidentally if she is a gamer she will probably be fine with position reports but having to interact with atc on a busy frequency can still be different. Even serious gamers don't have strict protocol :)

Plz post sleepy pics. My son once fell asleep on my arm. I finally had to wake him up on final :)
I didn't mean to say she shouldn't do coms. If she wants to, then great. Just let her do whatever she's comfortable with. I mean, if she wants to doze for a few minutes, let her do it. And don't keep bringing it up later. And I strongly recommend that you don't photograph it and post it on FB. She probably won't like that.

Happy flying!

I did that a few months ago, lol. My wife and I flew out to Montauk for lunch. On the way back, I look over and she's knocked out. Whipped out my cellphone and took a short video.

Later I edited the video and added the cradle song lullaby. She got a kick out of that:rofl:
Scripts? Well some of it is in the AIM, but there's also this book called "Say Again, Please" written by Bob Somebody or Other :)

My wife, having been a ham radio operator for years had little problem with the radio. After she made her outbound leg to Oskhosh she had me teach her the fundamentals of navigation for the return flight (this was the old chart and VOR days before GPS). Of course, by the time we got home she had progressed from wanting to take a pinchhitter course to just getting her license. She had her ticket by the time we made Oshkosh the next year.
Later I edited the video and added the cradle song lullaby. She got a kick out of that:rofl:

Ha! Ok, well Bryan hasn't gone as far as video -yet. At least no one would be able to hear me snoring over engine noise. :D
Ha! Ok, well Bryan hasn't gone as far as video -yet. At least no one would be able to hear me snoring over engine noise. :D

hahaha, at least you admit that you snore. I had to record that as well (in bed) to convince her that I'm not alone:rofl:.

I wouldn't dare post that one on Facebook. She'd kick my ass for sure!:D
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