Why is there a metric ton of military aircraft up right now??


Ejection Handle Pulled
Apr 18, 2014
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I was just looking for one of our company aircraft and noticed 3 C130s flying around, selected military only aircraft in filters and scrolled out, holy chit balls!!

The military has to spend the money its given, or it loses it in the next years budget. They’re probably just getting ahead in their spending so they don’t get in a bind in September.;)
I hear they’re looking for some wild guy by the name of James. Can’t figure out where he’s hiding.
And those are just the ones you can see! Then you have to add all those Stealth planes too, out there somewhere.... :)

You should see all the ones you can't see. Mother Of All Furballs! :D
Must be a big joint training thing, noticed some Spanish, German, Canadian, DHS and even a private company refueler up.
looks like a normal amount just for IFRs. Plenty of states without a single military aircraft up. If you had a total view with aircraft VFR and not talking to ATC, the map would be a cluster.
That's not just IFR, it's anyone hitting a ADSB tower.
Well, it still doesn’t look like an unusual amount. Ft Rucker, Al alone pushes out about 50 aircraft every night and probably 100 during the day, Mon-Fri. If it weren’t for the fact it’s IFR tonight, you’d see lower Alabama with nothing but tags. Doubtful they’ve upgraded to ADSB though.
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Logged 3 hrs myself today. Weather has been so crummy this year thus far (amongst other things) and production is WAY down. They’re threatening us with having to work every other Sunday to catch up, so when the weather finally broke today over Mississippi/Alabama, we launched everything we could.
Logged 3 hrs myself today. Weather has been so crummy this year thus far (amongst other things) and production is WAY down. They’re threatening us with having to work every other Sunday to catch up, so when the weather finally broke today over Mississippi/Alabama, we launched everything we could.

You back in Harriers or still doing the UAV thing?
I'd guess on a standard day I see no less than 2 or three dozen military aircraft in the air. Would feel strange not to. I work near Langley, drive right past both Norfolk Naval and Little Creek on the way home, and live under what appears to be training routes for mh53's, mh60's, and e2's. I'd ask somebody, but no matter how much I wave at them, biggest thing I've convinced to land in my yard is an R44.

At least one day a week while I'm in traffic on the Hampton Roads bridge tunnel, there are helicopters a few hundred yards away hovering maybe 20-30ft over the water in Willoughby Bay. Sometimes with a guy in the water... Sometimes not that I see. Better entertainment than staring at the bumper on front of me.
Just came off another Harrier tour and am now back in Mississippi for one last tour with the training command.

Cool. Was just reading this month's Combat Aircraft mag on the Yuma Harriers. Said they were hurting for flight time. Anywhere from 12-15 hrs per month.
They are practicing for the 2020 deadline, getting ready for shooting down aircraft without ADS-B.
Logged 3 hrs myself today. Weather has been so crummy this year thus far (amongst other things) and production is WAY down. They’re threatening us with having to work every other Sunday to catch up, so when the weather finally broke today over Mississippi/Alabama, we launched everything we could.

This makes sense.
Logged 3 hrs myself today. Weather has been so crummy this year thus far (amongst other things) and production is WAY down. They’re threatening us with having to work every other Sunday to catch up, so when the weather finally broke today over Mississippi/Alabama, we launched everything we could.

You all having to play catch up with the OBOGS issues?
Obviously CIA flights moving recently arrived Greys to secret FEMA camps.
Nit on the title... a Cessna 182 weighs a metric ton.