Why I Love Flying Commercial

Who is that guy in the suit? He looks like a respectable businessman. But maybe he's a lawyer!:yikes::yikes: Spike, I understand now why you hate flying commercial!


Great video! Leslie has to put up with that a lot more than I do, thank Heavens!
I wish there was sound so that I could enjoy the experience with you, Spike. BTW, I find it funny that Youtube considers "Jonas Brothers Incredible Love Story ch. 20" to be a related video. LOL
Nick, I did not realize that, when I recorded it on the 'puter, there was no sound being recorded. First time I ever did that.
And here I figgured you put the Bose headsets on the camera instead of yourself. Woulda made a great commecial for Bose.

(Not that I ever taped it, but I will promise you that there are worse things. I was on a TATL from CDG one time in business class in which the woman across the aisle had an undrugged cat in a carrier. 9 hours of YOWLING at the top of the cat's lungs. Makes a screaming kid sound like child's play.)
Well Spike i never had the pleasure of doing that. I DON'T FLY Commercial, if i cant get there in my plane i dont FLY
Dave G
P.S. also i've never been on a commercial plane in my life................LOL
TSA says no water on the plane, but they let that little ticking timebomb on the plane. Love it.
Since I don't have to pay...I'll fly commercial any day...I'm not proud...why lose out on such an unpredictable experience...could it be that most pilots are control freaks anyway?...hum...and not to mention, airline pays for the fuel, not ME. Of course, my flights have never been job related so I never have that extra stress to deal with. And yes, there have been flights that couldn't end soon enough...those have been the most memorable. :yikes::eek::smile:
And here I figgured you put the Bose headsets on the camera instead of yourself. Woulda made a great commecial for Bose.

(Not that I ever taped it, but I will promise you that there are worse things. I was on a TATL from CDG one time in business class in which the woman across the aisle had an undrugged cat in a carrier. 9 hours of YOWLING at the top of the cat's lungs. Makes a screaming kid sound like child's play.)

oh dear, that is not good.
...could it be that most pilots are control freaks anyway?...hum

Well Sharon I'n not a control freak, i just dont trust anyone with my life:nonod:.Except maybe Greg, but then he let my fly his 195:yikes:scary thought ain't it
Dave G.:blueplane:
Since I don't have to pay...I'll fly commercial any day...I'm not proud...why lose out on such an unpredictable experience...could it be that most pilots are control freaks anyway?...hum...and not to mention, airline pays for the fuel, not ME. Of course, my flights have never been job related so I never have that extra stress to deal with. And yes, there have been flights that couldn't end soon enough...those have been the most memorable. :yikes::eek::smile:

Methinks there may be some bias there ;)
...could it be that most pilots are control freaks anyway?...hum

Well Sharon I'n not a control freak, i just dont trust anyone with my life:nonod:.Except maybe Greg, but then he let my fly his 195:yikes:scary thought ain't it
Dave G.:blueplane:
Hence...you prove my point...a chicken by any other name...is still a chicken.:yesnod:
Since I don't have to pay...I'll fly commercial any day...I'm not proud...why lose out on such an unpredictable experience...could it be that most pilots are control freaks anyway?
Sharon, I don't think we're control freaks. It's about two things - being incredibly bored in the back and having to deal with terrible seats that one can't sleep in. If the seats weren't so bad (even the business ones are domestically), one could at least sleep through the "experience".

Sharon, I don't think we're control freaks. It's about two things - being incredibly bored in the back and having to deal with terrible seats that one can't sleep in. If the seats weren't so bad (even the business ones are domestically), one could at least sleep through the "experience".
Funny, flying commercial puts me to sleep almost instantly. I've occasionally been asleep before takeoff. When I'm not asleep I usually read a book. What I don't like about flying commercial is the time it takes before the flight and the fact that it is often delayed. I'm not much of a control freak either. I figure the odds are with me.
I am so glad I clicked on that I was rolling off the couch. That was hilarious!!!
Spike how did you manage to get the center seat and the screaming kid? Do you have some kind of 'special' status with the airline? LOL!
Spike how did you manage to get the center seat and the screaming kid? Do you have some kind of 'special' status with the airline? LOL!

Scott, I was a volunteer idiot; it was on Southwest, so I had my choice of any seat, and we boarded early enough that there were plenty of seats further back where my travel partner (friend/client) and I could have sat, but "NO," I had to grab those two right together near the front, with the screaming kicking toddler and the colic-afflicted infant immediately behind us. How they managed to be completely silent for the fifteen seconds or so it took for us to select the seats, stow our bags and sit down, I do not know; they were never quiet again, up to and including deplaning in Houston. The young lady in the window seat next to me told me that the toddler was a seat-kicker, too. Nice.
Funny, flying commercial puts me to sleep almost instantly. I've occasionally been asleep before takeoff. When I'm not asleep I usually read a book.

I flew from Chicago to Phoenix on June 18 on SWA. It was my first commercial flight in a few years. Although our departure was delayed by storms around Chicago, the rest of the flight went well. I slept about 1.5 hours.
BTW, it was Southwest's birthday. Free drinks. Unfortunately, at 7 am, I am not really ready to drink.
TSA says no water on the plane, but they let that little ticking timebomb on the plane. Love it.

It's worst when they're in First.....

Scott, I was a volunteer idiot; it was on Southwest, so I had my choice of any seat, and we boarded early enough that there were plenty of seats further back where my travel partner (friend/client) and I could have sat, but "NO," I had to grab those two right together near the front, with the screaming kicking toddler and the colic-afflicted infant immediately behind us. How they managed to be completely silent for the fifteen seconds or so it took for us to select the seats, stow our bags and sit down, I do not know; they were never quiet again, up to and including deplaning in Houston. The young lady in the window seat next to me told me that the toddler was a seat-kicker, too. Nice.

So, WN has gone back to pre-boarding the youngsters? When they started the new boarding process, the preboards went after the A group....
It's worst when they're in First.....

So, WN has gone back to pre-boarding the youngsters? When they started the new boarding process, the preboards went after the A group....

Nope, they board families after the A group; I had B11. There were still lots of good seats, I just chose poorly. Self-inflicted misery.
I think I related my flight from Bangor to Seattle (UAL) in the winter of 1986 for the Board Exam. 25F. Huge lady came and plopped herself down in 25 E, whipped up the armrests, and in a flas I was pinned to the outer hull.....for 4 hours.

I bought my first a/c shortly thereafter and it has been, "never again".
I think I related my flight from Bangor to Seattle (UAL) in the winter of 1986 for the Board Exam. 25F. Huge lady came and plopped herself down in 25 E, whipped up the armrests, and in a flas I was pinned to the outer hull.....for 4 hours.

I bought my first a/c shortly thereafter and it has been, "never again".

Today that result in me immediately hitting the FA call button. Intolerable.
It's worst when they're in First.....

Please do not remind me of a recent RIC-DFW trip. 3 kids and a nanny in F. I had earplugs, thankfully, and headphones that go to 11.

I had another fun experience KUL-HKG in J on CX. Mother, grandmother, nanny, 5 kids. 3 kids decided to make the airplane their football pitch. Sigh.


Spike, that video was hilarious!

To the thread creep: I'm not a control freak, and I actually have no issues with the flying part of flying commercial. Looking out the window from the flight levels and looking at the ground go by is pretty cool to me. I really wish I could sit up front and learn something. What I don't like about flying commercial (and the reason why I avoid it as much as possible):

1) TSA (and associated regulations that I can't bring my Listerine or knife)
2) How long it takes to get boarded and off the ground
3) The other people on the plane (sometimes - like in Spike and Bruce's cases)

The biggest thing I love about flying myself places is I can just walk right up to the plane, load up, and off I go. I'm on my schedule, and I can bring more than 3 oz of Listerine with me. It's wonderful.
Wow, Spike, you're a lot less ugly than I expected. :rofl::D

That is the perfect example of why I love the locking door. We'll be sitting up front running checklists and whatnot, and can hear the the kids start screaming, while the parents do nothing to help calm them. Then we put our headsets on and the door swings closed behind us, and all is right with the world.

I hate deadheading for that reason, though. We're always grateful just to be on the plane, but we always get the last available seat. It has happened a few times that a jumpseater who had been given a seat in the back comes and sits up front before departure because it's just too unbearable back there!