Pattern Altitude
Just one more of my little "flying related" hobbies. R/C being the third. We purchased the materials to build two hives last spring, then the bees arrived. It is fun to watch all of the girls work all summer in our garden, orchard and flower beds. We did not take any of their "liquid gold" so that they would have plenty of stores(60 lbs or 5 gal each hive) to make it through the winter. Today at 64F here in NE Ky they were out on their cleansing flights and hauling out the corpses. I had to take a peek inside. They are doing well with plenty of capped honey remaining. I covered them with a blanket when the OAT dropped below 0F.
If you want to get into beekeeping, order materials and bees now. Figure about $400 per hive. Yes, that was 160 gal of 100LL.
If you want to get into beekeeping, order materials and bees now. Figure about $400 per hive. Yes, that was 160 gal of 100LL.