Hank S
I learned how the base to final stall/spin entry works. I was shocked at how suddenly and without warning I was on my back and in a spin. I simulated an overshoot and compensated with extra left rudder ( left turn ) and high sided my stick to limit bank.
The exercise was a great demonstration of how a left skidding turn with crossed controls can lead to an inadvertent spin and one of the fixes are to use more bank and remain coordinated. The other fix would be to not fix the overshoot and remain coordinated.
Near the ground I want to be either coordinated or slipping not skidding.
When I overshoot final, I just maintain my bank angle, turn rate and controls, and try to fly back to the runway. If I'm somehow really wide, then it's a go around. My primary CFI beat this into my head . . .
Slips in the pattern are reserved for straight flying, rarely to lose altitude, more often for crosswind correction on final.