If you're going to buy a pre-built experimental plane, hire an expert to help you find the right one.
Experimentals are NOT like certified planes. With certified aircraft, you can rest assured that they were built to the same, often mediocre-but-adequate standards. Maintenance will vary, but the baseline starting point is assured.
With Homebuilts, you get everything from Michelangelo (perfection) to Picasso (random), and to the untrained eye they look the same. You need to have a guy in your corner who has built eight or ten of them, who can tell at a glance whether it's stock or modified, and whether the parts and workmanship are adequate.
I hired an expert out of Minnesota, Tom Berge, to help us find our RV-8. He is a one-stop shop, from helping you find the right plane through transition training. We have been ecstatic with our plane, and urge anyone wading into the murky waters of used RVs to contact Tom. PM me if you need his contact info, or just Google "RV Transition"