Where are you on the global fat scale?

check out what happens to your BMI when you forget to switch the weight units from kg to pounds...
Wow, I just checked it at my old weight of 192 and I was still better than 75%/61% and was like an Uzbeckistani. Seems at my current 152 I'm a lightweight freak.:eek: Heck, I thought I was fat as hell at 192.
Wow, I just checked it at my old weight of 192 and I was still better than 75%/61% and was like an Uzbeckistani. Seems at my current 152 I'm a lightweight freak.:eek: Heck, I thought I was fat as hell at 192.

Not near enough meat on your bones. The aliens won't want to harvest you. Maybe something to make soup from though along with the sweetbreads...
Not near enough meat on your bones. The aliens won't want to harvest you. Maybe something to make soup from though along with the sweetbreads...

I'm not worried, I'm far to bitter and jaded even for soup....
You're most like someone from Trinidad and Tobago.

You have a higher BMI than 56% of females aged 30-44 in your country
You have a higher BMI than 88% of females aged 30-44 in the world
If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would add 79,290,896 tonnes to the total weight of the world's population
Below average.....BMI 22....I'm most like someone from the western African country of Benin.

Click click
BMI can be a real problem - did a body fat test dunk in the pool a month ago. Came in at 13.7% @ Age 53. I bike prob 5 days a week and do a 1000' 8% grade gain 3-4 days a week - plus lift. Doing the math at 175# that gives me 24# of fat - which means at ZERO percent body fat I'm at 151#. To get a BMI under 25 I need to weigh 158# @ 5' 7" ( yeah I'm short]. Add those 7# gets me a body fat percentage of 5% - thats a REALLY low percentage for an 18 year old much less a 53 year old.

So BMI is not a real good measure - plus at sub 14% body fat I'm in the Athlete category - not even 'fitness' - which means I seem to be pretty decent shape but I STILL could lose 10# and look better - when I WAS 165 about a year ago I looked gaunt - people asked me if I was ok. At 165 even I've only got 9% body fat which is REALLY low for a 53 year old male.

Here you go - the different charts -

I will survive slightly longer in the zombie famine to come. And zombies can't swim, I hear... So maybe I should have bought a boat instead of an airplane. ;)
24 BMI. Below average for both US and the world.

If everyone in the world had the same BMI as me, it would remove 1,118,241 tonnes from the total weight of the world's population.

I'm most like someone from Malaysia. Those sexy beasts. :yesnod:
24 BMI. Below average for both US and the world.

If everyone in the world had the same BMI as me, it would remove 1,118,241 tonnes from the total weight of the world's population.

I'm most like someone from Malaysia. Those sexy beasts. :yesnod:

would not change the total mass of the Earth however . . ..
Well, bmi29, body fat 11%. I guess if i turned into a girly man, fasted away all my muscle mass and worried more about my hair and nails i could gain the approval of the mental midgets that came up with this ridiculous system. I think i will just keep doing what im doing and keep dancing on the graves of these all knowing health "experts"
Sincerely, a real man who doesnt have to ask for help. :)

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Well, bmi29, body fat 11%. I guess if i turned into a girly man, fasted away all my muscle mass and worried more about my hair and nails i could gain the approval of the mental midgets that came up with this ridiculous system. I think i will just keep doing what im doing and keep dancing on the graves of these all knowing health "experts"
Sincerely, a real man who doesnt have to ask for help. :)

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Guys, the system has known faults and the exact one you and another have pointed out was pointed out for you in the notes on the test if you bothered reading them. Sheesh... It's really annoying living in a sound bite culture.
One more thing, i notice that the website points out the addiontional weight of the total population if they were all as heavy as myself.
I think it is a moral impairative that every one attain a bmi of 29.
In light of global warming i believe this additional mass added to the earth would increase the distance from the sun just enough to cool the earth by 1.14 degrees farenheight, thereby saving life as we know it on this planet. Also the increased orbital distance would increase the number of days in the year, giving us increased life spans and more hours in each day.
Go to mcdonalds, save the planet......dont delay start today!

I know i cant spell but my science is just as good as your average Disney Channel starlet.

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One more thing, i notice that the website points out the addiontional weight of the total population if they were all as heavy as myself.
I think it is a moral impairative that every one attain a bmi of 29.
In light of global warming i believe this additional mass added to the earth would increase the distance from the sun just enough to cool the earth by 1.14 degrees farenheight, thereby saving life as we know it on this planet. Also the increased orbital distance would increase the number of days in the year, giving us increased life spans and more hours in each day.
Go to mcdonalds, save the planet......dont delay start today!
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One more thing, i notice that the website points out the addiontional weight of the total population if they were all as heavy as myself.
I think it is a moral impairative that every one attain a bmi of 29.
In light of global warming i believe this additional mass added to the earth would increase the distance from the sun just enough to cool the earth by 1.14 degrees farenheight, thereby saving life as we know it on this planet. Also the increased orbital distance would increase the number of days in the year, giving us increased life spans and more hours in each day.
Go to mcdonalds, save the planet......dont delay start today!

I know i cant spell but my science is just as good as your average Disney Channel starlet.

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The mass of the planet will not not increase from people gaining weight, the planet's mass accumulation is a closed loop except for things falling from space. The weight you gain you ate from the planet. Actually, the opposite will become true as the more you weigh the more of that mass that gets converted to energy. Besides which, all of that pales in the light of the thousands of tons of planetary mass we convert into energy every day. There is no way to make up for that and the more people we have the disproportionately large amount of mass that gets taken from the earth. Ergo, the solution to global warming would be to kill everyone.
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Ethiopian.........actually 3 Ethiopians tied together and weighed as one.:yikes::yikes::D
The mass of the planet will not not increase from people gaining weight, the planet's mass accumulation is a closed loop except for things falling from space.

Or an Astronaut taking a dump in space at a high enough orbit that his jettison won't be recaptured by Earth gravity. ;)
Or an Astronaut taking a dump in space at a high enough orbit that his jettison won't be recaptured by Earth gravity. ;)

um, if the astronaut is in orbit, then he hasn't escape Earth's gravity.
um, if the astronaut is in orbit, then he hasn't escape Earth's gravity.

Haha. Good point. How about the dumping of the lunar astronauts then once they were close enough to the moon that the moon captured the mass instead of Earth.

There ya go... Moon hasn't escaped Earth's gravity either, but Earth lost mass...

Below average on both. I'm from Nigeria.

Come to thnik about it, i'm a Nigerean royality, and I need all of you to sned me $1000 becuz I have $100,000 cheks in all your names. PM me four detales.
Mine is 22. I'm below average for America but above average globally. If I shed two pounds, then I am below average globally. I am most like an Algerian.

I guess I better switch to Yuengling Light!
Most like an Australian...kind of a compliment. Not sure that "most like a Bangladeshian" would be optimum.