Do you remember the TV show The Munsters and the niece Marilyn being the only normal one? My wife is Marilyn (in looks too) with her all of her family being Social Justice Warriors of the Anti-Trump Resistance Movement....
Just the other day I heard one of them saying Nancy Pelosi is a sell out and her head should be on a stick.. WOW!!!!
LOL. We have fun telling both flavors of political cultism in our family that they're all insane, and pretty much ruining things for all the normal people, all to support their favorite flavor of multimillionaire oligarchs.
This usually keeps their whining about "the other side" to a minimum and their complaining about whatever the TV told them to be "outraged" about down to a muted sentence or two that trails off when we just stare at them until they taper off and go back to eating their dinner.
Nothing like George Carlin's quote, "It's a big club, and you're not in it." to shut all of them up.
Or, "The going rate for box seats and 'special access to the candidate' is running $1.5M at the Presidential conventions. Let me know when one of you broke asses is going to pony up the cash to talk to one of them." That gets saved for the ones who think they're actually somehow involved in the political process. LOL.
They're slowly starting to get it that they're just the sheep arguing over which wolf is going to eat them for dinner. It'll probably take another decade or so.
I only know two people who can say they've had any sort of major legislation they pushed get passed, that had any effect at all on most people's daily lives... and they're both lawyers, one retired, both bored, both with a lot of money and I suspect, they know where the bodies are buried, to even get a national politician's attention.
Stories of their accomplishments that took years, usually shuts up the family members who envision themselves as some sort of activists who haven't been anywhere near a legislative building since they got a tour of one in grade school.
"And this is where the magic happens and these people 'represent' your views here, kids."
The first round of belief in political propaganda starts on that very day. Check out all these shiny walnut desks with microphones and the people who work here really CARE about me!
LOL. Let me know when you're on their personal Christmas card list, kids. Or the next time one of them 'representing' an average of 3.5 million people drops by for dinner and your opinion. Hahahahahahha. So funny that people actually believe that crap.