When Anesthesia Fails

Neat... hospital war stories!
I'll spare you some of my mother's classics (she was a LPN), but speaking of anesthetic, last time I was in the ER (nicked the tip of my thumb on a table saw at work- about 1/4" deep), the very young, nervous intern gave me a stab directly into the wound with a huge hypo... that hurt, let me tell you. I've had many shots, inluding Novocaine to the roof of the mouth for oral surgery, but.... wow. That really hurt.
He went away for a few minutes; the thumb seemed pretty numb... until he started stitching. I guess the drug had been carried away or something; it was NOT numb.No, sir.
I was ready to tough it out; it hurt less than the hypo...all I needed to do, I figured, was control my instinct to jump up or kick him, and I could stand eight or ten stitches.
But he got flustered and sent for his supervising doc, who arrived almost an hour later, grumbled about how "we usually only do this for women and kids" and gave me a shot in the base of the thumb, which made it dead as a doornail in a few minutes. Again, I told the doc that I was willing to hang tough if he'd just stitch it up quickly, but they both seemed eager to torture and humiliate me. :D

I'd only gone to the ER so I could get back to work sooner with stitches, but I wish I'd done what my mother once did when I gashed my hand : clean thoroughly, bandage well, and change the dressing regularly. Got a nasty little scar from that one, but it healed well and quickly enough.
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I had an acromion in my shoulder smoothed off arthroscopically a couple of years ago. Doc asked me if I wanted to stay awake and watch it on the monitor...

I woke up to a very pretty nurse taking my BP in the recovery room.
Huh... if you're experience prior to surgery was like MINE, I bet you WOULDN'T still have the thing! I'd have taken mine out with a soup spoon if they couldn't do it for me! :eek:

I DID have anesthesia problems, though - made me sick as a dog. After the first surgery, the resident forgot to tell me not to pick anything up and I ended up with an incisional hernia. Fixing it the first time, they didn't believe me when I told them I was sensitive to anesthesia, so I woke up throwing up - blew out the repair in the recovery room. By the SECOND repair, I made it clear I was getting tired of abdominal surgeries, thankyouverymuch, and they did their research and - voila! - no nausea! :)

damn belly still looks like a road map, though... :mad:

It was pretty darn bad, Tom. But I managed to keep the pain at bay after the really bad attack (which lasted three days, give or take a few hours). I simply gave up eating for the next three months. Voila. No more pain.

Seriously, though, the doc told me after the surgery that another attack could have killed me. Thing looked like a tube sock full of marbles. And a dirty tube sock, at that.

Like I said, thank God for skilled, caring docs.

anesthesia - one of my most unpleasant experiences. I've gone under 3 times in my life... waking up is horrible for me. I am aware of everything around me in the recovery room for over an hour (timed by my wife) and am unable to respond - like I'm paralyzed. The first time really upset her, as the nurses told her "he's starting to wake up - go ahead and pull the car around and we'll have him at the door waiting for you" ... 15 minutes later she parks again, comes in to find out I'm "still not awake" ...

She was prepared for this the next couple of times, but it truly sucks. It's like having a nightmare that you can't wake up from, can't shout for help, can't run away from ...

I HATE THAT ABOUT SURGICAL CENTERS AND HOSPITALS!!!! The absolute moment they think it is technically feasible to move you they want you out the door and out of their risk pool.

I have been under general anesthesia exactly once, and it took me a good 30 minutes to feel like I could move without falling over (though after about 10 minutes the nurse wanted me to 'get up and move around to get the blood flowing'). I'd have been ****ed off if they had physically tried to get me up.
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