Touchdown! Greaser!
Posting this as seen on the Student Pilot Board.
Do people really just forget all the stuff they learn from training or just figure it was all for fun and they don't need it anymore?
i took 3 of my friends today in the rental piper archer. I was on a shorter runway and wanted to practice doing a short field takeoff. I havnt done one since i got my liscense. so i put the foot brakes down pushed the throttle to full sat for a moment and let go, with 2 notches of flaps down. Rolled down the runway and rotated at 49knots (what is recommended speed for this plane). The plane sluggishly liftedoff, gained little altitude and then came back down and touched the runway! I got nervous as hell and knew training time was over so i dropped a notch, lowered my departure pitch and we took off, ... thenslowly released the last flap at a higher altitude.
All three of my friends are biggers guys who weigh around 200lbs one of them 250. Was a shortfield takeoff NOT the best option given the additional weight? I never seemed to have a problem doing this maneuver with my shrimpy instructor 5 months ago.
Do people really just forget all the stuff they learn from training or just figure it was all for fun and they don't need it anymore?