What would you do if you saw this guy


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jan 21, 2017
San Diego
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I saw his facebook profile, so I'm not at risk of being a keyboard warrior. Unless he was some kind of fighter, which I doubt. Anyway, if I saw him doing this I would land the drone, remove the memory card and then beat him with it.

Stupidity at its finest.

Based on the comments on the YouTube page, I think he may be regretting this once the Israeli aviation authorities knock on his door.
And according to a post on his FB page, he's been reporting and they are investigating

thank you for everyone who helped report this case
according to the following news article both the Israeli DOV, CAA and the police are fully aware of this case, and are now investigating the incident
according to a source from the DOV
"this is a severe and troubling case, awareness to this subject must be raised before tragedy strikes"
What, are you not allowed to fly a drone that close to a carousel?

It's not the carousel. At 1:00 he is clearly flying over open water outside of gliding distance from land.
As a pilot, I would be more concerned with the smoke stack just off to the side and above final to the runway. I know it's stationary but still close.

Where I lived in Juneau was right under final approach. I coulda throwed rocks in the air and hit planes.
Given the values instilled in me by the Oakland County Sheriffs deputies I know I would use ultmost restraint until there was no other choice.
What do you consider well out of harms way? The FAA seems to consider it several miles. You can also get a pretty good measure of their distance when he pans the camera around, it's not hard to figure out where the drone is centered. You can zoom way in, but you can't pivot a camera around a spot the camera isn't directly on top of.
Depends on the camera. That drone could have been well out of harms way.
Possibly, but most of those drones have wide angle lenses. A lens with a sufficiently long focal length to keep him away from those planes tends to be large and heavy.
Depends on the camera. That drone could have been well out of harms way.
Except when he pivots/yaws you can get a pretty good feel for his actual location as being pretty damn close to extended centerline..