What type of forum character are you?

LOL- seen this before; very funny!! :rofl:

I know all these types. I'll bet we've all do, and I'm sure we've all seen the negative types more than the benign types. Sometimes it blows my mind how much time and energy people spend being stupid online.

As for me... I dunno... I'm not consistently one type.
Admin, evil clown, and enfant provocateur all rolled into one.
Hmm, I don't see "Witty and Scholarly character" (whose only defect is extreme modesty) :(

Naw, my positions aren't that hardened.

Ha ha! The definition details the sides chosen, not the strength of the conviction behind them. :yinyang:

Me? Happily a Deacon of the Capitalista Ideolouges. I will Duel to the death any opponents!! :lightning:

(except Ents, I love the Ents) :yes: