"Who you want to talk to, who you are, where you are, what you know, what you desire to do" is always served me well so far as a newish VFR pilot.
At KDTO, I've always done "Denton Ground, Warrior niner-five-five-eight-sierra is at tha Academy ramp and India, with the numbers (AWOS info), ready to taxi for VFR departue to (direction)". Ground then provides taxi instructions to the runway, totally expecting me to take some time in the run up area. I was taught to only approach the hold short line when all was well and I was fully ready to go.
At the hold short line, I switch to tower freq, and in between his calls to other aircraft, "Denton Tower, Warrior niner-five-five-eight-sierra holding short runway 18 at alpha-one, have the latest numbers, ready for VFR departure to the (direction)." Clearance is given after a short bit and I'm on my way.
As others are saying, there is a lot of local conventions. Take some time to listen to others on a scanner and you will pick up a good pattern.
Holy cow. Do you carry a copy of War and Peace too?
"Tower, NXXX, ready to go, runway XX" is just fine. You don't need to add any additional information, including "the numbers" or direction, since you should have given that ground or clearance before.
Concise radio:
Clearance Delivery: Clearance, NXXX, request clearance, VFR (direction) at (altitude), with numbers (or ATIS if at a ATIS airport)
Ground: Ground, NXXX, at (inser location on ramp), taxi for (direction) departure, [if no Clearance delivery, add:] with numbers (or ATIS)
Tower: Tower, NXXX, ready to go, runway XX"
Departure: Departure, NXXX, off RW XX, (altitude leaving)
Clearance Delivery: Clearance, N999NN, request clearance, VFR westbound at 6500, with the numbers.
Ground: Ground, N999NN, at Signature, taxi for westbound departure.
Tower: Tower, N999NN ready to go, runway 4
Departure: Departure, N999NN, off runway 4, 800 for 6500.
You can make it out of almost every Class B, Class C or Class D with those 4 radio calls and nothing else.