Final Approach
Most of my own wake turbulence warnings are from USAF traffic crossing over my path of flight. Lake Hood airspace limits me to between 700-1200' crossing the inlet because the AF approach is straight down the inlet between 1400-1700'. Trainers circle to climb to 2000' using departure control but most of us go low. F-15 (now F-22), C-130, C-17, KC-135, etc. They can all make a good bump. Beyond that area we have Anchorage International traffic to cross under. 747, 757, 737, etc. but we can usually maintain space and altitude clearance to avoid feeling their wakes. Since somebody implied wake turbulence is associated with heavies? My worst and scariest wake turbulence event was in my 180 in trail of a C-206 float plane as we were entering Lake Hood airspace. An airplane doesn't have to be big and heavy to cause you problems.
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