What happens when you die

The doctors realize they made a really big "oops" and bring you back to life. Learned that the hard way.

There's your first hand experience, Sac ;)
Here we are sixteen posts into a thread for which no one can reply with first hand experience.

When she was getting close, my mom offered to come back as a ghost and tell me about it. I politely declined.
The doctors realize they made a really big "oops" and bring you back to life. Learned that the hard way.

There's your first hand experience, Sac ;)

Cajun, I can't imagine you being anything other than feisty and having a will to survive.

You go girl! I Love your spunk.
What happened to; every event in your entire life flashes by your eyes in the briefest of moments, going towards the light, an opportunity for thanks and atonement, then eternal beauty and joy?
What happened to; every event in your entire life flashes by your eyes in the briefest of moments, going towards the light, an opportunity for thanks and atonement, then eternal beauty and joy?

No clue.

Do you really care,hope you spent all your money. Hope the new guy can fly an airplane and run a boat.
My mom-in-law saw nothing but white, her relatives, and someone (her mother maybe) told her it wasn't time yet.
When she was getting close, my mom offered to come back as a ghost and tell me about it. I politely declined.

Really? I'd jump at the chance. I am not one to discount an afterlife. What shape it takes I don't know, but I've seen too many 'things' to poo-poo it.
My guess is that what we consider our consciousness ceases to be once our brain stops functioning. All I can do is to extrapolate from human experience and my own observations,I used to have religious beliefs but have lost them over the years.

Could there be a heaven? I suppose, but it's contrary to everything I've seen and experienced. Plus, if there's a heaven, you couldn't let people in it, we'd mess it up.
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Anyway, what happens when you die is you go to heaven and spend eternity in the grace of the Lord without physical concerns and continue to pray that your loved ones here on earth live out their time honorably and comfortably until they join you. Preferably many many years hence.

And all this time I thought PoA membership permanently disqualified us from that outcome, and we were all headed for that other place...the one with the lawyers and politicians. :devil:
Or in some cases you are rewarded with sixteen virgins. But, if you think about it, they were virgins before they got to you, and will continue to be afterwards, so, maybe that reward isn't so great after all.
Way too much drama... you can keep em. :D
So there really is a Heaven!
....and it's populated by only the most intelligent and philanthropic amongst us!
You can possibly make an argument for the level of intelligence, but charitable giving is not in the dems favor. Even Huffpo had to be honest about that one.

As far as dying goes, I believe there is a clear answer but I'll leave that discussion for another time and place. But the belief in an afterlife really comes down to what you believe is the reality of existence here and now. Do we have a soul or are we simply high functioning machines? If we are the product of random molecular interaction that by some means resulted in life as we know it, then the belief in a soul is a concept not reflective of reality. We, as Dawkins put it, simply dance to the tune of our DNA. If that is the case then there is no more awareness of life after death than there was before birth. When the machine stops then self awareness stops with it.

If there truly is a soul, however, then that means there is the possibility of existence apart from the machine. The large majority of mankind has believed not only in the reality of a soul but also in the reality of a spiritual realm that lies beyond our immediate perception. So the question becomes about the nature of the soul and about how and why it exists. If it is created, the question is why and for what purpose? The question of heaven and hell will have to be answered in the context of the Creator and His divine purpose.
Really? I'd jump at the chance. I am not one to discount an afterlife. What shape it takes I don't know, but I've seen too many 'things' to poo-poo it.

I think our brain it's just an antenna receiving a signal. Like a radio. It's just parts. The information (life if you will) comes from somewhere else. My brain is mapped to this frequency and gets the Bryan signal (or soul or whatever it is) My guess anyway. We are just radios on different stations.
I think our brain it's just an antenna receiving a signal. Like a radio. It's just parts. The information (life if you will) comes from somewhere else. My brain is mapped to this frequency and gets the Bryan signal (or soul or whatever it is) My guess anyway. We are just radios on different stations.

You could sell lots of ads if you could syndicate that channel. :-)
I used to have religious beliefs but have lost them over the years.

I have gone somewhat the other way. I am no religious nut by any means; I haven't been in a church for years in fact. But the most I will say about the intelligent design vs evolution thing is that I find it pretty darned hard to believe 'all this' (everything in our experience), plus our very consciousness.....is an accident of nature.
I've was just informed that we all will come back as 6PC clones and take over POA, and then the world. Really, this is true and factual.
I've was just informed that we all will come back as 6PC clones and take over POA, and then the world. Really, this is true and factual.
Oh no! - there really is a Hell.
I have gone somewhat the other way. I am no religious nut by any means; I haven't been in a church for years in fact. But the most I will say about the intelligent design vs evolution thing is that I find it pretty darned hard to believe 'all this' (everything in our experience), plus our very consciousness.....is an accident of nature.
Even harder to believe when you realize it is many "accidents" not just one.
I have gone somewhat the other way. I am no religious nut by any means; I haven't been in a church for years in fact. But the most I will say about the intelligent design vs evolution thing is that I find it pretty darned hard to believe 'all this' (everything in our experience), plus our very consciousness.....is an accident of nature.

kinda crazy to think if it is all a series of accidents, the fact that you specifically exist is dang near an infinite impossibility.
The right combination of people that managed to not only not get killed in a million different accidents throughout history but have the sex the correct combination of times and the correct 2 cells out of millions each time happened to create the correct combination of people that led to you. on paper it is pretty far fetched. I don't think you exist. It is a statistical impossibility. I'll never claim to know the real answer but this is just as difficult to digest as any other theory. I am sticking to my "You are being beamed to your particular body from some other "place". That receiver was available and you said "I'll take that one". Match the crystals and Bob's your uncle.
Not really your uncle. He is just a beam of your uncle being sent to um....
I can fully accept, and actually revel in, the fact that my individuality and that of every other individual and species are the results of a LONG series of randomly selective hits and misses.
I no longer accept the tales of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy......