What exists but shouldn't?

To get it back to things that exist that shouldn't...
This probably does exist somewhere, but I really hope I never find out where...
“Therefore, to you, and to the fifty governors, I have a request. Please, do not send me politicians. We do not have the time to do the things that must be done through that process. I need people who do real things in the real world. I need people who do not want to live in Washington. I need people who will not try to work the system. I need people who will come here at great personal sacrifice to do an important job, and then return home to their normal lives. “I want engineers who know how things are built. I want physicians who know how to make sick people well. I want cops who know what it means when your civil rights are violated by a criminal. I want farmers who grow real food on real farms. I want people who know what it’s like to have dirty hands, and pay a mortgage bill, and raise kids, and worry about the future. I want people who know they’re working for you and not themselves. That’s what I want. That’s what I need. I think that’s what a lot of you want, too.”
― Tom Clancy, Executive Orders
Computers in cars, electric starters in cars, A/C, P/S, A/T, P/B and P/W in cars.

(Let's see who the old farts are here the remember the abbreviations for used cars...)

Also IBTL.
Air conditioning, power steering, automatic transmission.... Power brakes? Power windows.

I remember the first time I saw crank windows and thought it was the coolest thing ever.

Graduated to old fart apparently.
Anyone from Chicago knows... Malort. Some of the comments in the video are spot on. It's a nasty but hysterical party joke to the unknowing.

Might as well get to locking:

The Sierra Club
The American Medical Association
The 24-hour news cycle
Evil death cults
Autotune/Beat Detective
Might as well get to locking:

The Sierra Club
The American Medical Association
The 24-hour news cycle
Evil death cults
Autotune/Beat Detective
I'd agree with you on autotune, if it weren't for Cher playing with it on "I believe" I think, and p**ng off a large part of the music industry by letting the cat out of the bag.

to get rid of, toward the lock:
traffic lights
bulk rate mail
the ability to sell anything with monthly payments that's less expensive than a car
copyrights owned by anything other than the individual who created the work
advertisements by insurance companies, drug companies, or attorneys. (I remember when that last one was true!)
traffic lights
Now there is a hot button with me.
I don't know who is responsible for programming traffic lights, and I apologize if anyone this board is such a person, but you all suck.

I can't count the number of times I get stuck at a red light, with traffic stopped in all four directions while one lane gets a turn arrow, but there is nobody turning.
Or I approach a green light but it turns red at the last possible moment forcing me to stop because ONE car pulled up to the cross street, then turned right but I still have to sit at the red light for 60-90-120 seconds. Now I understand that two minutes out of your life isn't much but in the course of a year that adds up to thousands and thousands of minutes.

I can't even imaging how much fuel is wasted by so many cars stopped at red lights for no practical reason. Sometimes (most of the time) I think the oil companies are somehow funding these f'd up traffic lights.

I have reset my trip meter that shows average gas milage several times. I feel pretty good when I get my pickup to average 22-24 mpg. But then I get stopped at a red light and watch the mpg drop. And drop. And drop. Then when I get a green and accelerate, it drops even more. I could easily average 23 mpg but over the course of a tank I regularly see ~17 mpg. The rest is wasted at traffic lights.
Now there is a hot button with me.
I don't know who is responsible for programming traffic lights, and I apologize if anyone this board is such a person, but you all suck.

I can't count the number of times I get stuck at a red light, with traffic stopped in all four directions while one lane gets a turn arrow, but there is nobody turning.
Or I approach a green light but it turns red at the last possible moment forcing me to stop because ONE car pulled up to the cross street, then turned right but I still have to sit at the red light for 60-90-120 seconds. Now I understand that two minutes out of your life isn't much but in the course of a year that adds up to thousands and thousands of minutes.

I can't even imaging how much fuel is wasted by so many cars stopped at red lights for no practical reason. Sometimes (most of the time) I think the oil companies are somehow funding these f'd up traffic lights.

I have reset my trip meter that shows average gas milage several times. I feel pretty good when I get my pickup to average 22-24 mpg. But then I get stopped at a red light and watch the mpg drop. And drop. And drop. Then when I get a green and accelerate, it drops even more. I could easily average 23 mpg but over the course of a tank I regularly see ~17 mpg. The rest is wasted at traffic lights.
Similarly, there's a two-way, four lane road with a little island in the middle, near my house, that I often cross as a pedestrian (or a jogger). It used to be a simple crosswalk with the island between the two opposing lanes. Sometimes drivers would stop when they saw me at the crosswalk, sometimes they wouldn't.

The county recently put beg buttons for the pedestrians, linked to a red signal. Seems fine in theory, right?

I read the new rules for those types of signals (called HAWK signals), and it turns out that if I don't activate the signal, and I'm hit by a car while I'm in the crosswalk, I'm at fault. The problem is that when hitting the button, the red light for the drivers lasts like 30 seconds. And I can get across the road in like 8. But if I'll be hit by a car and be held responsible if I don't hit the button, I'll be damned if I'm ever crossing without doing it from now on. It just kind of sucks to be all the way across, and still like 20 seconds later looking back and seeing more and more cars still lining up at the red light, for no one. Oh well :dunno:
People who press the crosswalk button but don't wait for the signal - instead crossing "early"... everyone still has to wait for the crosswalk signal to cycle. Hey, if you press the button, then YOU wait for the signal...
I can't even imaging how much fuel is wasted by so many cars stopped at red lights for no practical reason.

You would love living in Gallup. Almost no one stops for red lights. In fact, it is advisable to stop and looking both ways first...

In other words there is no traffic enforcement here. The general belief is that if a driver is making a right turn on red then cross traffic with the green light has to stop and let the driver turn right. The driver turning with the red light does not have to stop at all.

Speed limits are totally ignored, 40-50 over the speed limits are normal. A motorcycle passed me the other week doing at least 120. These folks on motorcycles tend to eliminate themselves by the end of summer.

I am not kidding, it is getting that bad. I am thinking about getting a Unimog.
advertisements by … attorneys. (I remember when that last one was true!)
Extra points if you can name the law firm who decided to go against what was essentially a gentlemen’s agreement not to advertise.
Extra points if you can name the law firm who decided to go against what was essentially a gentlemen’s agreement not to advertise.
My first guess would be Morgan & Morgan, but that is just a guess.
Extra points if you can name the law firm who decided to go against what was essentially a gentlemen’s agreement not to advertise.
Not a clue. If I had to guess, I'd say a firm based in NY, but that's just my cynicism showing.
Surprised... none of these made the list.

Celine Dion
Gwenth Paltro
Kenya West
Justin Bieber
Surprised... none of these made the list.

Celine Dion
Gwenth Paltro
Kenya West
Justin Bieber
That's because nobody on this board knows who they are and even if they did wouldn't admit it.