Cap'n Jack
Final Approach
I still almost never see anyone actually running a red light - as in a light that has been red for a while while a car coming up from far away (or not) goes right through. Push the yellow, yeah. It used to even say in Rules of the Road that cars approaching the intersection can enter on a yellow and clear on the red. I know a guy who might rarely get the timing wrong at cruising speed in a Mustang. He cringes looking back to see if there was a camera there. Not yet. Even in Chicago.
The red light cameras are catching people make left turns clearing the intersection after the red (doh!) and as was just kilt off in Schaumburg, not coming to a full stop for a right turn on red. (I almost always do that and a full stop at stop signs - risking getting rear ended.) When they filliy admitted that they were firing hundreds of cars a car and never, ever, ever had an accident or injury at the intersection, they just removed the camera.,0,7945020.story,0,7535797.story
The people I'm talking about are going through the intersection when your light is green- their light went through yellow and is now red. It is not uncommon for 6 cars to go through the left turn (27th and Superior, turning north on Superior) when my light is green and theirs is either red or they are supposed to wait for traffic to clear. I can't figure it- out here, I never waited more than 2 lights to get through an intersection if there were no unusual circumstances.
I also once counted 12 cars come off Mountain Road onto west bound Rt. 22 in NJ when I had the green on Rt. 22 when I lived there.