What does one do in Omaha, NE?

I've only passed through Omaha, but I imagine it is like most places, in that it is what you make of it. I think most people only go to a few restaurants on a regular basis, and have spots where they like to hang out. That applies to roughly 90% of the people I personally know. You like where you are based more on the relationships you develop than the weather or the things around you. Albuquerque is quite lovely, but lovely places fade into the background after awhile, and what becomes important are good neighbors and friends. From Nick's descriptions, Albuquerque sounds like a war zone that one would be well rid of.
Nebraskans seem to take their college football very seriously too! I seem to recall that many Omahans (sp?) will travel to Lincoln for the games. Heck I know more than a few Corn Husker Alums in the Chicago area that make the trek for a game or two each year.

Until I moved to Florida, I made it to one a year. Drove from Billings, MT straight through to make it in time for a Saturday game. My blood runs Husker Red.

Everyone has mentioned some rally good stuff. The GA scene seems to be quite active there, too. There was always a fly-in somewhere close by, pancake breakfast, active EAA chapters, etc. Hangar space is generally pretty reasonable and available which will be important if you get your own plane soon.

I was looking at property out there about a year ago when I was considering moving back 'home'. There are lots of acreages outside the Omaha area - I was looking mostly north trying to stay within an hour of the airport - that were very reasonable. $200K would get you a nice home with a big piece of land.

There's also a lot of boating and camping at the many lakes and along the rivers. I'm hoping to go float the Platte in June when I get home to visit my brother. Oh, and all the small towns have a festival of some sort, sweet corn festivals for example, and of course the rocky mountain oyster festivals. Street dances and live local bands are happening somewhere every weekend in the summer.

There's lots to do, and as it was said before, it's what you make of it.
I have. I lived in New Hampshire for 3 years. She, unfortunately, has not lived anywhere outside of the Albuquerque area.

How cold are we talking?
Look it up on www.JesseWeather.com
and use KLNK or or KOMA for the identifier.

As for what to do here...being that you might stay here, that really opens up lots of opportunities.

Lincoln has a decent system of bike trails; it seems Omaha does too from what I see flying out of KOMA. Lincoln has shooting ranges; there's a skeet range just behind my job. They also have archery. When I looked a few years ago, $200-300 could buy really nice places but the land got bigger the further you were from town. In town was ~1/4 acre, edge of town was 1 acre, then you got 5 acre, 20 acre, and 100 acre. Here's a link for you to see what's current: http://www2.journalstar.com/classifieds/lincoln/ne/homes_real_estate/

Both towns have a nice downtown scene; Lincoln charges for parking; I suppose Omaha does too. Lincoln has a fair library system. Aside from the zoo in Omaha, the botanical garden is reported to be good. There's also the crane migration in the spring out west. Lincoln does have a smaller zoo.

Going other places- it's easy to go east or west if you drive (I-80). Aluminum tube- from Lincoln you go to Denver, Minneapolis, or Chicago. Omaha has more choices but mostly you have to go to a hub first to get where you want to go. The TSA is reasonably polite and even demonstrate common sense here.

It seem all the cool people in Nebraska choose to live in/near Lincoln (just look at the PoA membership roster)
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The most excitement I had in Omaha was making the mistake of thinking one could light the wax/sawdust log provided in the fireplace at the Embassy Suites hotel on a -5 degree January day. The draft down the chimney was so bad that all the smoke blew back into the room setting off the alarm and generally making the room smokey and unpleasant. Picked up the log in my hands and threw it out into the snow bank and then had an invigorating time getting the room aired out with those outside temperatures.

It has been a very long time but I remember there being some very good eating places and a very nice art museum. I also really enjoyed the SAC museum. I also still have a my favorite Indian artist print hanging on my living room wall that I bought at a little roadside stand just North of the city (between Omaha and the Ft. Calhoun nuclear plant).

The college baseball world series also seem to be there every year.
Everyone has mentioned some rally good stuff.

Except that no one has mentioned the homes of "world famous fish" or "whiskey steaks" yet. Two very interesting places...if they're still there...it's been a few years.

I spent quite a bit of time in Omaha/Lincoln/Council Bluffs in the late '90's. Always had a pretty good time.
And still not far from Albuquerque to visit family.

Looks like Brianna and I have some talking to do tonight. My only concern is that its an Indian company with American presence. I've never worked in an Indian Culture. Not saying good or bad, just saying its a concern.

Scott and Andrew Stanley and perhaps Troy could give you some info on that issue.
Just don't bring a roast beef sandwich for lunch...

Hah! I have my Indians eating steaks! I explained to them "Since you are what you eat, then eating holy cow will make you holy man..." One bite of a rare Fillet pretty much sealed the deal.
Nick, the midwest is totally different from ABQ. You're high and dry, the midwest is low and wet. SE Nebraska and everything within a few hundred miles can be a sauna all summer and a refrigerator for most of the winter, except there's nothing to do.

Expect about 6-8 weeks of really nice weather each year, about half in the spring and half in the fall. Other than that and a few "bragging rights" events that don't mean squat if you don't really care about them (are you currently a big fan of college baseball?) you'll find a lot of really nice people and a pretty civilized place to live. You should remember, however, that for many of them their place to escape is Kansas City. That should tell you all you need to know about living there.
Eat at Ems Pub or Zios Pizza...minutes from the FBO in OMA....Once in a while Ill bum a ride in the Cherokee to one of my airliner driving buddies to OMA for the commute (you can actually drop them off at the gate there) to have an excuse to go to Zios for lunch etc.
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Nebraskans seem to take their college football very seriously too! I seem to recall that many Omahans (sp?) will travel to Lincoln for the games. Heck I know more than a few Corn Husker Alums in the Chicago area that make the trek for a game or two each year.

Not only do people from Omaha come to Lincoln for the games, but people from western Nebraska come to Lincoln for the games. Many driving 3-4 hours to get here. On game days, the stadium is the third largest city in the state (with an 80k+ population)...and it's been full every game day since the 60's.
Not only do people from Omaha come to Lincoln for the games, but people from western Nebraska come to Lincoln for the games. Many driving 3-4 hours to get here. On game days, the stadium is the third largest city in the state (with an 80k+ population)...and it's been full every game day since the 60's.

Well you'd hope a Pro team would be able to fill the stands every week :D
All else fails, there's always crack and hookers where ever you go....
. I've also heard you can go rafting in western NE.

Fritz Island rentals in Valentine,NE...Its the best day you will ever have with a case(s) of beer and 20 inter-tubes tied together.
So shouldn't the operative question be how good a day can you have with just the beer and without traveling to BFN and tieing a bunch of innertubes together?

Fritz Island rentals in Valentine,NE...Its the best day you will ever have with a case(s) of beer and 20 inter-tubes tied together.
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I'm hoping to go float the Platte in June when I get home to visit my brother.

Oh ... when are you coming? We need to get together for dinner
some time if you can. I'm planning on riding the Harley down to Miami
the 4th week in June. Should be around there the 22, 23rd, 24th. You
going to be around there? Ceil actually rides on it with me now after
years of fearing death. haha

I saw the pic of yours ... very cool. Harley Babe.

And if you're yearning for the Quacky --- you could always visit Peony Park (duplicate of Cliffs -- right down to the adds and music), or visit AkSarBen if you want to visit with the ponies.
And if you're yearning for the Quacky --- you could always visit Peony Park (duplicate of Cliffs -- right down to the adds and music), or visit AkSarBen if you want to visit with the ponies.

AkSarBen was closed a long time ago. It's all been torn down and is being redeveloped.
So shouldn't the operative question be how good a day can you have with just the beer and without traveling to BFN and tieing a bunch of innertubes together?
The day just gets more interesting watching those that drank a case of beer before tieing the inner tubes together.
Oh ... when are you coming? We need to get together for dinner
some time if you can. I'm planning on riding the Harley down to Miami
the 4th week in June. Should be around there the 22, 23rd, 24th. You
going to be around there? Ceil actually rides on it with me now after
years of fearing death. haha

I saw the pic of yours ... very cool. Harley Babe.


Hey RT! Not sure on exactly when yet, but it looks like between June 9 and 20th, provided my schedule doesn't change again. I was planning on spending a week or so out there, but I may end up only have a quick weekend. We definitely should get together for at least lunch. I'll let you know as soon as I know when I'll be there. I head to Halifax on the 22d of June then to Barrow with the 92 so I'll miss you down here.

Glad you got Ceil on the bike! I am loving mine, I can't believe I let people talk me out of this for so long.
And if you're yearning for the Quacky --- you could always visit Peony Park (duplicate of Cliffs -- right down to the adds and music), or visit AkSarBen if you want to visit with the ponies.

AkSarBen was closed a long time ago. It's all been torn down and is being redeveloped.

And Peony Park has been closed for 16 years. :)