What do you have to be thankful for?

Bob Bement

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Jun 27, 2005
Vale, Oregon
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Bob Bement
I am thankful for our troops that are helping to keep me free. They will be away from friends and family. I hope they can have a good day. I am thankful that my wife of 58 years will be there with me to celebrate Thanksgiving.I am thankful for my health. I have a yearly struggle with the FAA each year but, I have a current 3rd class medical in my pocket. I am thankful for a loving family and some great friends, many of whom are on these forums. I am thankful for a great airplane that I get to fly and the mechanic that keeps it running so good. When I sit down for dinner with my family I will be thankful that they are all there around me. Yes LIFE IS GOOD.


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I'm thankful for parents who are willing to brave the holiday travel nightmare (TSA and all) to come to Alaska in winter to eat turkey and halibut with us. Of course a grandchild might have a little bit to do with it.
-ability to fly
-so many things that enrichen my life
-this wonderful country & the freedom it provides
"I'm thankful that small children do not burst into flames when we say the number 4." - Steve Martin​
As I was reading the morning sports page in the Portland Oregonian, an article impressed me and I cut a section of it out and put it in my billfold. The story was written by a John Canzano, Sports writer for the Oregonian. It was about his friend Herb Marshask--86 who had passed away a few days earlier. At out dinner table I asked permission to read the article, and as all present listened intently I read:

There will be a lot of talk today about what we’re all thankful for in this lifetime. It’s what we do every year on the last Thursday in November. And maybe the lesson that Herb leaves us with is that we should not cast our gaze so far into the horizon, or fixate on what’s behind us, but look all around us more often.

All we really have is now.

We have our wives and children. Our friends. The sound of laughter in the kitchen on a holiday. The football on television in the background. The jokes and stories that are re-told every time the family gets together. Be thankful for it all, and do so on more than just on holidays, because as it was pointed by my pastor in church last Sunday, “We’re all dying.”

Make sure you live first.
I wouldn't know where to start. So I'll just echo "everything."
