What cataract eye lens type does FAA dissaprove of?


Charlie Seagull

I was considering eye lense replacement for cataracts. Today I heard that there were implementations that the FAA would not approve of. Can anyone fill me in?
Don't know of any.

Either way, you need a report of eye examination (8500-7) from your treating doctor stating your vision is stable. If you get multifocal or accommodating IOLs, you'll need to wait three months (let the brain adapt) and have the 8500-7 state that you don't have any significant side effects (flares, etc...).
i’m not a med person.

I do have the “ distance “ lens and have no regrets as to wearing glasses to

read.The glasses do provide some measure of eye protection as well..

With some issues like glaucoma this may be the least problems.