Washington Post article on the ADIZ hearings...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 22, 2005
DC Suburbs
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Bill S.
"Since January 2003, Fleming said, a multi-agency air defense system has recorded 3,369 incursions of restricted Washington airspace, a zone that extends for 2,000 square miles around the region's major airports. In that space, pilots must submit flight plans, identify their aircraft with beacons and stay in contact with ground controllers.

Interceptor aircraft were deployed 627 times, Fleming said. Nevertheless, 147 flights violated the 16-mile no-fly zone, and 27 of those flights penetrated airspace over the Capitol, White House and Mall."

Grrrrr.... Folks, GA pilots have to do better than this.

Full article:


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wsuffa said:
"Since January 2003, Fleming said, a multi-agency air defense system has recorded 3,369 incursions of restricted Washington airspace, ... Interceptor aircraft were deployed 627 times, Fleming said. Nevertheless, 147 flights violated the 16-mile no-fly zone, and 27 of those flights penetrated airspace over the Capitol, White House and Mall."

Grrrrr.... Folks, GA pilots have to do better than this.

Unless I am horribly mistaken...

GA is better than that--a goodly portion of those are Part 121 busts, especially the majority of the 16-mile no-fly zone penetrations and capital/White House/mall overflights (GA is notorious for nicking the outer ring, not penetrating the core areas).

I love how a politician with an agenda can work the "facts". Anyone have a breakdown by 14CFR operating rules & area busted?
Out of 3,369 violations, how many do you think are GA?
Ken Ibold said:
Easily more than half.

Then I still say GA has to do better than this. In two years, that's still more than 2 a day attributed to GA.
wsuffa said:
Out of 3,369 violations, how many do you think are GA?

More to the point, how many were terrorists? This sort of thing to me really proves the whole thing useless and inefective. Get rid of it! THAT is a solution!
T Bone said:
More to the point, how many were terrorists? This sort of thing to me really proves the whole thing useless and inefective. Get rid of it! THAT is a solution!

Government think: "well, if we let them any closer they'd still violate the rules, so push 'em further out.".

Bottom line: if we want the area to be reduced, we've got to show as a group that we won't violate the line in the sand.
T Bone said:
More to the point, how many were terrorists? This sort of thing to me really proves the whole thing useless and inefective.
I was unable to find a single arrest tied to ADIZ (or presidential TFR) incursions that weren't a direct result of the incursion itself. Doesn't mean there haven't been, but you'd think that if there were they'd be paraded around as "proof" that the system worked.
wsuffa said:
"Since January 2003, Fleming said, a multi-agency air defense system has recorded 3,369 incursions of restricted Washington airspace, a zone that extends for 2,000 ...................
Interceptor aircraft were deployed 627 times

To me this is evidence that an unreasonable law has been enacted. Maybe even an impossible one. Three-thousand, three-hundred infractions, and not a single one provided the benefit are trying for!
As I have said in the past, sorry for the repetition, but the only solution is going to be to reduce or eliminate these silly TFRs.
They provide no real benefit, but do provide immense grief and expense.

GA cannot, will not, EVER 'do better' (unless they ground the whole fleet). Even if they start shooting down Piper Cubs there will still be violations.

Not that I will hold my breath waiting for them to capitulate. Too much face to be lost.