They arent. The difference in class 2 vs 3 is that 2 requires correctable 20/20. Class 3 only needs to be correctable 20/40. You keep saying class 3 and BM is equivalent. it isnt. Even Dr Chien has said it is not equivalent. And you cant fly the same planes with BM vs class 3. BM is much less strict - not only in terms of ease, but also in terms of renewability, and adherence. It is not equivalent as much as you want it to be. Congress made it, but the FAA really wants nothing to do with this. This wasnt drafted by them, approved by them, or accepted by them.
Look, I get it that you want so hard for them to be equivalent. But they arent. You're limited in where you can fly, what you can fly, and how you can fly it. How is that equivalent ? then you make an argument about whats "appropriate" for basicMed - but even that doesnt hold water. And if they were equivalent - then insurance and others wouldnt discriminate between the two.