Reminds me of a time...
There was a place I used to live that had a long stretch of street with many intersections and no stop signs in that direction. There were stop signs on the cross streets, but not facing the street in question.
The other problem was that you could see the traffic light at the end of the street for quite a ways before you actually got to it, so drivers would drive at break-neck speeds to make the green light, causing many accidents over the years that I lived there.
Petitions to get a speed bump or two installed never resulted in any action, so one night, my friends and I a group of enterprising people detoured the traffic and installed speed bumps that we they had paid for by passing the hat around the neighborhood.
The first few night made for some interesting cuss words flying out the windows of the passing cars and trucks as they flew over the bumps, because there were no warning signs. But surprisingly, the city came around and installed signs a few weeks later. I guess they thought the bumps had been installed by DOT but not properly documented.
When I moved, the speed bumps were still there. I guess we they did a pretty good job installing them.
In the post about why the aviation population is declining, someone said it's because we have become a nation of watchers, and not doers.
This is a good example of someone doing something, that today is less likely to happen.
When I was younger, I lived in Texas, on a public road, but it was a dirt road. The road just had 5 farms on it, and then dead ended on our property.
We all had horses, and fairly heavy equipment that would drive down the road, so it would get chewed up pretty quickly. The county would come grade it for us a few times a year, but that wasn't enough.
So, we all got together, pitched in a few bucks, and paved the road. I don't think any of the farm owners even thought about asking the city to do it, or for there permission. No one but us would use it, and no one but us would care that it got paved.
So we did it, and that was that. Today I suspect things would go a little differently.
P.S. To the OP, I am not suggesting to just go and move the power line