Want To Buy - Used Garmin MX20 or Garmin GMX200


Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 11, 2014
New York
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Steve's Archer
The Garmin MX20 in my plane bit the dust last week. Nothing but a white screen upon start up. :( It's no longer supported and no shops will repair it. So, I'm looking for a cheap replacement unit that maybe someone has kicking around in their garage from a panel upgrade, they are looking to get a few bucks on. I'm working on my PPL now and spent a ton on this airplane, so not looking to spend a fortune. If you have one you don't need and wouldn't mind helping a fellow future pilot out, I'd be forever in your debt!

Shoot me a PM or post here.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.
There is one on Beechtalk. It's radartraffic and he was asking $6500.
It being a Garmin doesn't surprise.

For that price, I could buy a used GMX200, just by waiting for one to become available.

Either way, I can't afford those. Just too much money going out right now, and not enough coming in. Besides, I'm still working on my PPL, so don't "need" it at the moment. It would be nice, but not necessary. :(

If I can find a good, cheap MX20 (I know, NOTHING in aviation is cheap), then I'll see. Right now, it looks like it will be nothing more than a wish.
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Just keep your eyes open- they change hands cheaply reasonably frequently.
Just keep your eyes open- they change hands cheaply reasonably frequently.

That's what I'm hoping for. I see them on fleabay for $2500, which in my eyes is absurd, since they are extremely old and no longer supported. I have seen a few go up for bid and sell for under $1000, and as low as $551. I don't care about the traffic as I never used it on mine. Truthfully, I used it only to see a larger picture of where I was in relation to where I'm going. That's only about 25nm, since I'm still working on my PPL. :D
There's also,an Avidyne EX500 on Beech talk for $2500
Thanks for all the input. I'm going to wait and watch fleabay. I just don't have the big money to buy anything right now. If I can snag a replacement cheaply, then it will happen, otherwise I'll just be keeping my eyes open.
You can also try calling around to avionics shops (or email if they have it) and asking if they have one or if they remove one to let you know. My shop has a whole pile of servicable things sitting on the shelf that were just pitched because the owner wanted something newer.
You can also try calling around to avionics shops (or email if they have it) and asking if they have one or if they remove one to let you know. My shop has a whole pile of servicable things sitting on the shelf that were just pitched because the owner wanted something newer.

I tried a few near me and they all think they have gold sitting on the shelf. They want over $3000 for the older Apollo MX20 with the knob on/off button. Pass!