I finally got around to landing at Kennedy.
For some reason I expected it to be very difficult and for ATC to give me some super complicated procedure that I've never heard of before. It wasn't a hard flight, just like any other bravo airport, nothing special.
I planned the flight for 0230 (local) so I wouldn't have to pay all the super expensive fees. Then I also took one of the employees of the FBO with me so when I arrived they'd wave all the fees. The only fees that I still had to pay were the $25 landing fee and the $70 port authority fee, I can't remember what the normal day time fees are but they are significantly higher.
For the flight itself I didn't really want to go IFR but if I was to have any chance of being allowed to land I needed them to expect me. So I filed an IFR flight plan and in the remarks section I wrote that I will be flying VFR. When I asked for flight following I just told them that I have an IFR flight plan on file for this route and made their job easier.
The approach into the airport was not complicated at all, they just gave me a few vectors, put me on final and cleared me to land. They even let me land on the runway they were using for departs because it was significantly closer to the FBO I was going to.
Taxiing around the airport was a bit problematic because there were a whole bunch of taxiways, and long instructions. But I did fine without even asking for progressive.
On the way back I did exactly the same thing. After take off as soon as I passed 500ft they cleared me direct.