You were lucky,wouldn't make it a habit. Talking to ATC and declaring your in a cloud. They will get you out with a minimum of turns,into vmc as soon as practical.
Not sure why you think those two are mutually exclusive......Declaring an emergency would have changed my mindset from "fly the plane, turn around, descend to pre-decided altitude and get out of here" to "I need help and need to get out right now". First situation didn't really increase my heartrate, the second situation very likely would have. I was already flying the plane 100% in reference to the instruments. Changing the mindset where you operate induces disorientation...
Touching the radio was not a problem, I looked at a sectional to find the closest ATIS frequency, dialed that in the COM2, operated the audio panel to set COM2 to listen, wrote down the info, and so on.
Declaring an emergency would have changed my mindset from "fly the plane, turn around, descend to pre-decided altitude and get out of here" to "I need help and need to get out right now". First situation didn't really increase my heartrate, the second situation very likely would have. I was already flying the plane 100% in reference to the instruments. Changing the mindset where you operate induces disorientation.
I don't necessarily want to speak for the OP but I think he or she meant that declaring an emergency would have introduced an additional level of stress that they didn't want at the time.Not sure why you think those two are mutually exclusive...
1. Fill out and submit the NASA ASRS form.
2. Count your blessings that you managed to avoid making a 4 minute segment in the evening news.
3. If you're going to keep screwing around at night you really need to get serious about that instrument rating.
Then some additional training is in order... Help from ATC in an emergency is there to reduce the stress by taking worries, such as traffic avoidance, off of your mind. Whether you said the "E" word or not, the same situation exists. When properly used, ATC will greatly help keep you keep the shiney side up...I don't necessarily want to speak for the OP but I think he or she meant that declaring an emergency would have introduced an additional level of stress that they didn't want at the time.
That's fine to say now but not much help at the time.Then some additional training is in order...
very true, but it will help in the future.That's fine to say now but not much help at the time.
very true, but it will help in the future.
Geez man... You were out over the Atlantic... You get in clouds...... you decend:wink2: .... There are NO planes below you going into FLL and the water is O' MSL.. I can guarentee the clouds didn't go down to sea level.. Once low enough to get back VFR, do a 180 and head back toward the shoreline....
If you were VFR using flight following....... Miami Center cannot vector you.. Just cancel FF and get your ass back on the ground safely.. IMHO..
Your story just changed significantly.
Originally, you said it was a matter of prioritizing aviating over communicating. But in fact you were communicating just fine. You were even reading your sectional and tuning your radios just fine, all while flying in IMC. But you refused to inform ATC of your emergency while talking to them, because acknowledging that you "needed help" would have "increased your heart rate" and "changed your mindset" so as to disorient you.
Frankly, your new explanation sounds extraordinarily implausible, and if accurate, shows that you are unprepared to deal properly with emergencies. IF your workload allows you to communicate--and by your account it did, easily--then communicating your emergency should have had a high priority at that point. If ATC then instructed you to do something you couldn't handle during the emergency, you could have declined under your emergency authority. If necessary, you could have done exactly what you intended to do in the first place--except with ATC aware of your situation, and of the additional traffic separation precautions that were required.
And all of that should have been contemplated and rehearsed many times before you were ever in such a situation for real. I'd respectfully urge you that instead of rationalizing your failure to mention your circumstances to ATC, you should pursue additional training so the correct response becomes second nature in the future.
Frankly, your new explanation sounds extraordinarily implausible, and if accurate, shows that you are unprepared to deal properly with emergencies.
IF your workload allows you to communicate--and by your account it did, easily--then communicating your emergency should have had a high priority at that point.
And all of that should have been contemplated and rehearsed many times before you were ever in such a situation for real. I'd respectfully urge you that instead of rationalizing your failure to mention your circumstances to ATC, you should pursue additional training so the correct response becomes second nature in the future.
Good to hear. Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh earlier, but I was is the same spot a few years back. Once I popped the "E-word/U-word" cherry, it really opens up your brain when it's going down-hill.Yep, I did not know I suffered from Mayday Anxiety before this. Now I know I need more training in it.
If it's any help, the times I have declared an emergency, I felt like it freed up my mind to concentrate on doing what needed to be done. It also reduced the chances of other aircraft getting in the way of dealing with the emergency. If, in the process, you get to a point where you feel that answering an ATC question will distract you from maintaining control of the aircraft, feel free to say "standby," and answer when you are sure that higher priority issues are under control.
The DPE I did my checkride with was very clear that accidentally flying into a cloud was not an emergency...
Guarantee clouds don't go down to sea level? Interesting.
OP, I think you did well. You didn't freak out and you eventually landed the plane. Planes don't stop flying because it's dark outside, or there is a cloud. Could you have done some things better or differently? Sure...but that my friend is called experience, and you just got some.
We hardly ever learn from those times that we succeed.
FWIW...night = instrument time to me. If you're not gonna get IR, the at least know how to keep the plane flying in the direction you want it to.
SmartPilot redid that study a while ago and found much the same thing. But frankly, the first time I tried to fly a Redbird I got into trouble too - and that was even in "VMC". Even though I was an ABC instrument student at the time (All But Checkride), when I tried my hand at shooting an instrument approach I found it *much* harder than the real thing. PC "simulators" just aren't the same as flying a real airplane to begin with, and there is no way that I would intentionally launch into real IFR conditions in a plane that was unfamiliar to me anyway.I would strongly recommend that you google "178 seconds to live" and watch the YouTube. It is very old, but still very valid.
OP, thanks for telling your story. My take is, you made some mistakes, made decisions,and flew the plane. It is easy to not make posts like this on this board because of the blowhards of superior knowledge and skill that will rake you over the coals. I made a couple of posts as a student that taught me to never do it again. That is a shame too because you can get a lot of great advice and feedback here, but it is really tough to put up with the donkeys. Those are always negative, I guess it makes them feel superior.
^^^^ Correct and unfortunate!
Mike, the know-it-alls are the ones who are really endangering themselves and others. I don't care whether you're a student pilot or a 25,000 hour ATP. When you already know everything, you have no incentive to learn new things... and that is more dangerous than making a mistake and learning from it. But, then again, I'm sure these guys will chime in that they've never made a mistake.
I dunno, I think keepin, straight and level, while descending to VMC, is a better option in his case. Less chance of SD that way.
I would strongly recommend that you google "178 seconds to live" and watch the YouTube. It is very old, but still very valid...
Yes, the instrument rating is the other half of your pilots license. On an IFR flight this whole thing would'a been a non-event.………………….
Anyway, back to reading instrument pilots handbook. That experience made me decide I need my IR sooner rather than later.
Completely pitch black, no way to see horizon, half moon not visible due to an overcast layer. Still legal though.
Are you sure? It sounds like at this point even before you were in the cloud you were no longer flying using outside visual cues. You had to be relying on your instruments to maintain altitude and heading. So technically doesn't this mean you were effectively IMC as a non-IR pilot?
I'm also surprised by how you resolved this. Every primary student is taught to immediately get out of IMC by doing a 180. Congratulations on surviving though.
Nighttime flying with no outside reference is legal for a VFR-only pilot. It can also be logged as instrument time. Someone will soon come and pull out that Chief Counsel ruling about it.
mtuomi;1654306[B said:]Nighttime flying with no outside reference is legal for a VFR-only pilot. It can also be logged as instrument time.[/B] Someone will soon come and pull out that Chief Counsel ruling about it.
Was the OP in airspace which required positive control/vectors? (class B or C) Or was this a case of FF?