Just one more point for the "hanger talk."...
It is certainly smoother 'VFR Over the Top' and I did it a lot but be aware that weather can change. Flying from Kentucky to a private field west of Chicago, preflight WX planning said we'd be in broken or scattered at arrival.
Nope!!! The weather had changed and
it was full OVC. I had flight following so popped in and, explaining my situation, asked if there was a VFR field nearby.
Controller: "Stand by one..."
Another controller came on: "Are you instrument rated?"
Me: "Rated, no -- qualified, yes."
He gave perfect vectors though the deck and setting me up for a nice northbound final at my destination.
HOWEVER... the descent and ground speed looked very wrong until I saw the windsock on top of the clubhouse.
Never fly into the sock!!!" The wind was now from the south.
Up and back to set up the approach the other way.
1) the weather changed, with the overcast coming in early.
2) with the forecast weather changed, ask yourself,
"Could the surface winds have changed, too?"
I learned from the experience. Hope others can, too.