Gary F
Final Approach
What are the minimum VFR requirements while in the pattern? I assume that they would be the same for towered and non-towered airports. I found this reference in 91.155 but it is confusing since it refers to night hours. What about day?
2) Airplane, powered parachute, or weight-shift-control aircraft. If the visibility is less than 3 statute miles but not less than 1 statute mile during night hours and you are operating in an airport traffic pattern within 1/2mile of the runway, you may operate an airplane, powered parachute, or weight-shift-control aircraft clear of clouds.
2) Airplane, powered parachute, or weight-shift-control aircraft. If the visibility is less than 3 statute miles but not less than 1 statute mile during night hours and you are operating in an airport traffic pattern within 1/2mile of the runway, you may operate an airplane, powered parachute, or weight-shift-control aircraft clear of clouds.