Vanity N number

Grant, think bigger. Apply for a call sign like some businesses do. Then no matter what you fly, you can file as PWA1 = Prellwitz 1.

My club has "Sky Ventures" with the AVL prefix.

I don't know if there's a minimum fleet size to get this approved. If not, I'm going to apply for MTZ = MetzAir in anticipation of the day when I buy an airline or get a 135 certificate.
I wanted 524SF for some time, but it's taken. Sierra Hotel would be fun too
I've heard that a certain sports gear manufacturer paid a small fortune to get N1KE for their G-V. Bought it from an individual so the story goes.
The N-word is apparently not reserved............ 1 instead of I.
Not sure why I thought to check, N-number, N-word I guess. I'd figure like license plates, some combinations would just not be available.

Could you imagine getting that as a randomly assigned tail number....

Maybe because you can only have two trailing letters.

I really have to wonder about someone who would post what you posted though.


I had to go look, one-six-six-echo-romeo is assined, to a T-28 no less:yikes:
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Yeah you can have more fun with foreign call signs. This one has to be the all time worst unintentionally bad Tail number....

There are lots of "unfortunate" tail numbers out there. There was a big to-do on a forum I used to frequent about a member's tail number.
Yeah you can have more fun with foreign call signs. This one has to be the all time worst unintentionally bad Tail number....


Maybe the guy who owns the plane is named Richard...... :rolleyes:
We got our vanity N number when we bought the helicopter in November of 2001, when the 9-11 attacks were still fresh on our minds. This is a County owned helicopter and we use it for Fire, EMS and law enforcement. That is me standing on the skid.

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There are lots of "unfortunate" tail numbers out there. There was a big to-do on a forum I used to frequent about a member's tail number.

Oh, yes it did! Here's her actual signature tag:

C182Q 1977.....C-FCKK
That's my (edited) plane,eh?
Now Leave my (edited) Plane alone!!

The admins of that site actually edited her tail number out of her signature until it caused a big uproar. And as you can see the admins still edited the her tail number out of her add'l commentary.

Of course, on that site it's been specifically stated by the admins that if it's not fit for a 13yo girl then you can't post it.


...many of us who AREN'T 13yo girls left!
Please like 13 yr old girls nowadays aren't familiar with rude language, give me a break, they all watch movies that aren't only Disney
Or perhaps N10RR, just in case I get a controller with a quick wit.

Me: "Alliance tower, Cherokee one-zero-romeo-romeo"

Tower: "Cherokee oh romeo romeo, where for art though, romeo?"

I had a controller report the altimeter once as "Connery-Moore-Dalton"
When I bought my Grumman Cheetah its number was N558ZQ. By coincidence a Tiger based at another airfleld just a couple of miles away was N58ZQ (not the real numbers -- the patterns are the same, but the numbers have been changed to protect the guilty). One day at lunch the Tiger's owner suggested that he and I fly in formation to a nearby tower-controlled field and shoot some touch and goes, to "play with the controller's mind!"

A couple of years later I planned to have the Cheetah painted. I wanted to get the personalized number N121PS (for 121st Psalm). It was not available, because a large block of numbers ending in "PS" was reserved by Aviat for Pitts Special production. So I got my second choice for that one.

In 2007 I ordered my Sport Cub and had the oppotunity to pick a personalized number for it. I checked on N121PS again, and found that Pitts Special N121PS had been exported to Canada in 2004 and de-registered, so the number was available. So I grabbed it.

Fast forward to a year later. I attended an open house at the CubCrafters factory in Yakima. A fellow from Montreal was there. He noticed my name tag, which also had my airplane's registration number on it. "Hey," he said, "that number used to be on my Pitts!"