Vaccine passports & medical certificate

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Oct 15, 2019
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With vaccine passports quickly approaching in the US, should we assume that we'll need to have one in order to hold a medical certificate? Or even a pilot certificate? Curious how this will work - will we just show the AME/enter in MedXpress at our next exam? Or will the FAA crosscheck databases prior to that?
My opinion is that it will be separate from our medical. I hope this pandemic ends soon, so there will be no need for the vaccine passport.
Serious question, does CV19 come on so rapidly that it has a material impact on one's ability to fly a plane? I assumed it was like other Flu and your energy level dropped before the symptoms hit, over say a 24 hour period.
My opinion is that it will be separate from our medical. I hope this pandemic ends soon, so there will be no need for the vaccine passport.

Yes, of course it will be separate. But when will it become required by the FAA? Immediately, or at next application? More curious than anything else.
My prediction is it is not going to happen. This is still considered an experimental vaccine. You can not be forced to take it. Now businesses could limit your access if they choose.

Personally I would take offense to being asked by government types to show my "travel" papers in my own country. It did not go well in the past and there are several examples. Your mileage may vary.
Yes, of course it will be separate. But when will it become required by the FAA? Immediately, or at next application? More curious than anything else.

Why would the FAA require any vaccine in order to be issued any class of medical?
My guess is you'll need one to cross international borders. I'm hoping they require one for my students, I've had just about enough of this remote instruction business. I doubt the FAA will give a rat's assay one way or the other.
With vaccine passports quickly approaching in the US, should we assume that we'll need to have one in order to hold a medical certificate?

I doubt it; certainly not for a Class 3 or Basicmed exercised domestically. Simple self-certification like the IM SAFE checklist should suffice.
No idea if that will hold for an ATP flying passengers, but if it doesn't, I'd think the requirement may come from the airlines themselves rather than the government.
Doubt it. I got the vaccine because more than likely, countries are going to require it for entry soon and I want to travel
Showing vaccination status on a passport sounds pretty wise to me. I don't see the need for any documentation of vaccination for Basicmed or 3rd Class. Other classes, I don't have a reasonable guess.
Why would the FAA require any vaccine in order to be issued any class of medical?
To persuade vaccine-hesitant people to get it. Businesses are already on board.

My guess is you'll need one to cross international borders. I'm hoping they require one for my students, I've had just about enough of this remote instruction business. I doubt the FAA will give a rat's assay one way or the other.
Your flight students? How do you teach someone to fly remotely?

I doubt it; certainly not for a Class 3 or Basicmed exercised domestically. Simple self-certification like the IM SAFE checklist should suffice.
No idea if that will hold for an ATP flying passengers, but if it doesn't, I'd think the requirement may come from the airlines themselves rather than the government.
I guess you didn't hear Biden's last decision.
Showing vaccination status on a passport sounds pretty wise to me. I don't see the need for any documentation of vaccination for Basicmed or 3rd Class. Other classes, I don't have a reasonable guess.

Do passports show other vaccinations?
I guess you didn't hear Biden's last decision.

To avoid politics, can you give me search terms for what you are referencing? I am a news junkie and I am lost.

If this takes root, I hope I can load my TDAP and Yellow Fever cards into whatever internationally recognized instrument they create.

I am amused, imagining showing an app and a QR code to certain of the third world border crossings I've bopped across. Some of these border crossings delighted in tearing my Subaru apart looking for drugs, cash, and other baksheesh, yet left my chock-full Yakima Skybox unopened, thinking it was a boat on top of the car. I'm sure these sophisticates are excited to use this new smartphone technology in the furtherance of their border protection efforts.
To persuade vaccine-hesitant people to get it. Businesses are already on board.
As they say, forced adoption is the best way to ensure adoption. The company I work for is an F100 company and we have not and will not force anyone to be vaccinated as a condition of employment or to return to office.

However, the FAA’s mandate to ensure medical fitness to fly doesn’t require any other vaccine, so why would that policy change and where does the line get drawn at? Annual flu shot required to get a medical?
As they say, forced adoption is the best way to ensure adoption. The company I work for is an F100 company and we have not and will not force anyone to be vaccinated as a condition of employment or to return to office.

However, the FAA’s mandate to ensure medical fitness to fly doesn’t require any other vaccine, so why would that policy change and where does the line get drawn at? Annual flu shot required to get a medical?

To be fair, covid changed everything.
To persuade vaccine-hesitant people to get it. Businesses are already on board.

Is it the role of the FAA to persuade citizens to do what the CDC wants them to do or is the role of the FAA to promote aviation safety?

There's discussion of vaccine passports being required for international travel. It's not unusual to have vaccination requirements. The US already requires at least 8 vaccination for immigrants before granting a visa.
I've got a neighbor here in the middle of building. He's a German and he's back and forth regularly. Each time both ways he needs a recent covid test.
Yes, of course it will be separate. But when will it become required by the FAA? Immediately, or at next application? More curious than anything else.
Why should it be required? As I said, this should be over within a year. My opinion is that it won't be required by the FAA.
We can certainly hope that a year from now, this is no longer a problem. While we'll probably get it under control in the US, if it remains a problem in other countries, it will remain a problem for us.
My company is paying me a few grand for my vaccination. They wouldn't be opening their wallet if they thought the FAA would be mandating it anyway.
To be fair, covid changed everything.
How young are you? Over the years, many things have "changed everything." I've not disclosed any vaccinations to the FAA before, I'm not sure why it would start caring now. I'm skeptical that a covid "passport" will be necessary for international travel either, possibly aside from outbreak areas.
If this takes root, I hope I can load my TDAP and Yellow Fever cards into whatever internationally recognized instrument they create.

I am amused, imagining showing an app and a QR code to certain of the third world border crossings I've bopped across. Some of these border crossings delighted in tearing my Subaru apart looking for drugs, cash, and other baksheesh, yet left my chock-full Yakima Skybox unopened, thinking it was a boat on top of the car. I'm sure these sophisticates are excited to use this new smartphone technology in the furtherance of their border protection efforts.

I have been on mission trips to Haiti a couple of times. Airport security there is a joke. It is amazing how fast you can skate through customs for the cost of a bottle of hand sanitizer. It is so bad the airlines recheck everyone before they get on the plane or at least they did back when I was there a few months after the big earthquake.

Just curious when/how the FAA will require it. A vaccine passport to board a commercial aircraft will push many pilots/passengers toward private ones, and that can't be allowed.
I think that it will be thought of and maybe , maybe even implemented but it won’t last. I already don’t patronize businesses that require masks. Besides, I doubt that it can pass the constitutional sniff test. Again, how many other Proof of vaccinations are required for adults. I work for the DOD and we are not being required to have a Covid or any other vaccine. If anyone would, it would be them, but they have already been told that they can’t, so they don’t. Active military is a different kettle of fish.
But you seem very certain of your thought processes.
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