Of course this just covers the basics on unclassified REQUIRED annual training for Army Aviators. I won't even go into the numerous classified briefs I received on aircraft survivability from Redstone and the threat / ASE tactics from our local S2:
AIRCRAFT SURVIVABILITY EQUIPMENT AND ELECTRONIC WARFARE 4-50. An ASE/EW training program will be established in writing by commanders in order to train flight crewmembers ASE operation and employment. ASE programs at a minimum will include ASE annual flight/academic training for each ASE system installed on the unit organic aircraft and area of responsibility (AOR) threat identification training. Written ASE programs will include at a minimum, RCM/NCM ASE annual flight/academic requirements, AOR threat identification training, and physical security procedures of assigned ASE. Commanders will designate appropriate ASE tasks to be evaluated annually. The training will be administered annually and evaluated per the appropriate ATM. Units without assigned ASE and Army special operations aviation units may use alternate ASE training programs and devices approved by their Army command. 4-51. Commanders will establish in the ATP an ASE/EW training program that reinforces the skills of the individual, crew, and unit. The program must provide training that realistically reflects the full spectrum of electronic warfare, based on applicable equipment and expected areas of deployment. Maximum use of existing EW ranges per the Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) model is recommended. Individual crew, and collective ASE training requirements are outlined below: RCM ANNUAL COMPUTER-BASED ASE TRAINING (CBAT) 4-52. Commanders will specify CBAT requirements for RCMs for each ASE system that is installed or commonly used on the units assigned aircraft—for example, AN/APR-39A(V)1, AN/ALQ-144A/C, the Common Missile Warning System (CMWS). The commander may also specify additional ASE training requirements for NCMs. CBAT annual requirements will be annotated on the DA Form 7120-3-R. Completion of CBAT annual requirements will be annotated on the DA Form 7122-R. NCM ANNUAL CBAT 4-53. Commanders will specify CBAT requirements for SIs, FIs, and CEs for each installed ASE system that they participate in operating such as the Common Missile Warning System (CMWS). The commander may also specify additional ASE training requirements for NCMs. CBAT annual requirements will be annotated on the DA Form 7120-3-R. Completion of CBAT annual requirements will be annotated on the DA Form 7122-R. AIRCRAFT, CREW, AND COLLECTIVE SIMULATOR ASE REQUIREMENTS 4-54. Commanders with aircraft crew and collective aircraft trainers (to include classified mission load capable simulators) at their installation will develop and establish simulator training scenarios to be used that incorporate radar and infrared (IR) threats. Scenarios will be developed in standard operations order format that contain and trains to the ASE tasks and actions on contact that develop and instill instinctive crew reaction and confidence. Commanders will determine annual collective trainer scenario requirements if any. Annual scenario requirements for aircraft crew trainers are two scenarios (iterations) annually per crewmember.