up date on 9712T

I'm going to say what I think and you may not like it.

When you stop making posts that are nothing but bait for you to start an argument and tell people they don't have a clue what they are talking about you may gain some respect from the members here. I'm a retired IA and find some of your posts to be severely lacking in content and simply looking to start an argument that you seem to relish. That is not he way to provide information to the masses as you claim. It is merely self aggrandizement on your part. Holier than though comes to mind. Yes, you have been an A&P for years, but all of us are still subject to question. You refuse to acknowledge that and swear your word is gospel. When someone challenges you you get hostile. Are other's opinions invalid in your opinion? If so, I think you need to reevaluate.

Just take it for what it's worth almost every subject you start is simply asking to start an argument with those of similar experience. The opinions of ten IA's vs yours cant always be wrong and it's time you learned to accept that.

It's interesting Tom mentioned "people like Ron Levi(sic)", who was known for exactly the same modus operandi.
I'm going to say what I think and you may not like it.

Pretty much what Norman said.

Plus my usual comment that you (Tom) could be a resource here, but instead are stuck in the rut of turning every discussion into "Stump the Chump" and a peeing contest. That ain't constructive.
I'm going to say what I think and you may not like it.

When you stop making posts that are nothing but bait for you to start an argument and tell people they don't have a clue what they are talking about you may gain some respect from the members here. I'm a retired IA and find some of your posts to be severely lacking in content and simply looking to start an argument that you seem to relish. That is not he way to provide information to the masses as you claim. It is merely self aggrandizement on your part. Holier than though comes to mind. Yes, you have been an A&P for years, but all of us are still subject to question. You refuse to acknowledge that and swear your word is gospel. When someone challenges you you get hostile. Are other's opinions invalid in your opinion? If so, I think you need to reevaluate.

Just take it for what it's worth almost every subject you start is simply asking to start an argument with those of similar experience. The opinions of ten IA's vs yours cant always be wrong and it's time you learned to accept that.

You have fomented a lot of controversy here, and much if it not for the betterment of those who depend on reliable and certifiable information. Most of your posts are to create a discussion in which you hope to prevail.

The foregoing was not intended as a personal attack but simply an observation of your performance over the time I have been here. Lots of trash with no substance.

Note to mods: If you feel this is a personal attack please feel free to delete it, but it you do it will simply indicate your penchant to censor those who are of a different opinion. I believe in truth. BS walks.

Very well stated, Norman. :)