Uniforms ad

Friend of mine and his wife flew their Super Cub around the world ~40 years ago. Said they wore flight-crew shirts whenever operating in some of the smaller countries on the way. The people there may not have understood General Aviation, but they did recognize airline pilots.....

Ron Wanttaja
Those brand of shirts are ok. Not as good as the older A Cut Above shirts, but nothing is that good these days (including ACA shirts).
So, polyester is back.??

The people there may not have understood General Aviation, but they did recognize airline pilots.....

I once worked with a guy that flew air ambulance into the banana republics back in the early to late 80s. He would wear the pilot shirt and shoulder boards. He put general stars on the shoulder boards and wore a Sam Brown rig along with the 1911A 45, Captains hat with scrambled eggs and of course the super dark, dark glasses. He said he didn't dress that way for style, he dressed that way to impress the locals at the airports he went into. He also carried a paper bag, lunch size, full of cash. That seemed to help smooth over any problems...

It thought it probably didn't hurt that he bore a strange resemblance to Muammar Gaddafi...