Underrated models/manufactures that we should consider

Not so much anymore. The C has gone through the roof, recent prices I'm seeing puts a lot of them at a higher asking price than E models and even the low end of Js. 80/90/100k is not an unexpected price these days.

I'll wait for the craziness to end. I hope.
Me too, but I'm afraid that GA airplanes are one of those products whose prices will not come down (or at least not in the same % that they went up). Supply is limited as most of the planes we love are no longer in production.
Me too, but I'm afraid that GA airplanes are one of those products whose prices will not come down (or at least not in the same % that they went up).

Psht. When AVGAS is $10/gallon, the bubble will pop. Even if not, all it takes is one mighty bureaucracy with the will to kill GA and these airplanes are worth the spot price of scrap aluminum.
With 50 year old aircraft models you aren’t going to find any under rated models.

You will find a bunch of owners who have these sub par aircraft who try to convince other pilots to the contrary.
Probably needed an insurance checkout.

Just had a guy call me that needed a CFI with 25hrs RV-10 experience. Of course I only have 18hrs so far. He must have found someone, as he hasn't called me back. I have found that usually that can be negotiated with the insurance company if you are working with a highly experienced CFI.


Underwriters have created a no-win situation with this. Can't add a pilot to the policy who doesn't have 25 hours time in type. Can't get 25 hours time in type 'cause nobody's loaning you their $250K airplane without it being insured. Same for CFI's - "For us to accept the sign-off, the CFI must have "X" hours in type" Which, again, ain't happening because of the underwriting rules.