My problem is that many of the programs I normally use are Windows programs; Quicken, logbook program, Cessna performance and loading calculators, Jeppview, etc.
But I don't want to be bothered with controlling everything. I want to turn the computer on and have it work. Maybe I should buy a Mac.
I know you're joking, but...
While it's possible, I wouldn't really recommend it.
1) You can get Quicken on the Mac, though I think Intuit will happily take your money again for the Mac copy rather than offer a cross-grade
2) You can get a logbook program on the Mac - But presumably you're using Logbook Pro which isn't supported on the Mac and you'd have to buy LogTen Pro, export your data from LogBook Pro, and import it into LogTen. That's a helluva lot easier than entering your data again by hand, but you won't be any better off than you were. Or, you could run Logbook Pro in Parallels or VMWare...
3) I don't know if the Cessna software is available on the Mac, but I doubt it. Also, JeppView is NOT available on the Mac last I checked (though they do have iPad software out, so maybe they'll port it eventually). So, if you had a Mac you'd have to run all of that software inside VMWare or Parallels.
So, in your case, with the majority of your software using Windows and you as a Windows user, it's probably not worth the expense of switching, unless the expense and time spent in maintaining your Windows machine gets to be fairly bad.
That said, there are still advantages - But the balance tilts in favor of sticking with Windows.
(See, I *can* do it!