Ubuntu Blows


There's a guy in our club also named Murphy who wears a tee shirt that says:

There's no place like

You sometimes remind me of him.

I have a tshirt with the PGP algorithm in both Perl and barcode. I wore it to my Computer Law course (3rd year elective) one day. The prof asked if I was run across the scanner at Safeway, would I be on sale?
I don't mind Office2007 now. I'd used Office95, 97, 2000, and 2003, and yeah the switch to 2007 was horrible. But I've come to like "the ribbon" and in Access the navigation pane and search is sooooooooo much better than switching windows in 2003 and previous. I actually prefer 2007 over previous versions now, except for the help. That I do not like. However, having worked with Office for the past 15 years, I don't generally have to F1 anything, except a function in VBa to remember the syntax, and as long as it's highlighted, it works just fine.
Newcomers. Been playing with computers since 1969. :D

I think 1969 was the year I got Incredible Edibles for Christmas, or maybe the Electro-Shot Shooting Gallery (by Marxx). No silicon in either.

I was a senior in high school. :D

Got me beat. In 1969 I was still using my Pickett model N-100-ES log/log slide rule.

N4-ES the fall of 1970.

Never had a driver download problem with my Pickett slide rule.

Nor has my N4-ES ever had a display hybrid die like my HP-41CV did (fortunately while still under warrenty, been flawless for the past yearly 30 years).


Actually, I had a Cyber 6600, a Cray and a Vax long before I had a Mac. But ya can't carry one of those around in your backpack.

IBM System 360/67 was my first. :D Played with a Cyber and a VAX 11/780 before I ever touched a PC (before they were released to the public).

OMG Office 2007. I shudder to think imminent disaster of 2010.

I'm still running 2000/2003 on the mac/win MBP, but I was forced to go to 2007 on the WinXP desktop to be compatible with a contract I was working on.

Great for someone using Office for the first time, but for those of us who've been using it for more than 6 months, impossible to find anything, impossible to ...oh, never mind.

Amen. I've been fighting with Office 2007 for over 3 1/2 years and I'm still trying to find where they hid things I knew how to do in the previous versions. Outlook was improved, however.

Round holes on a punch cards on a Univac, 1967.

Mine is easily accessible on the "programming languages" shelf in the bookcase next to me.

Rectangular holes in the punch cards we used on the IBM. :D

There's a guy in our club also named Murphy who wears a tee shirt that says:

There's no place like

You sometimes remind me of him.
There are only 10 types of people in the world.
Those who understand binary, and those who don't
Ubuntu couldn't have been that bad. Henning was able to post a ***** about it. Do you think the new Windows would have let him do that?
Most Ubuntu installs I've done are fully usable out of the box and with the right GUI, indistinguishable from WINDOWS. Most of the basic applications are right there in front of you. Firefox is a good browser. Open Office is virtually indistinguishable from MS/OFFICE. The photo software is all native as opposed to buying add-ons. Without dancing through hoops, I've been able to connect my cellphones to my PC using bluetooth and surf the internet.
I have a DELL netbook which was originally Ubuntu release 8.1. I plugged a thumbdrive in, booted release 10.10 from the thumbdrive, did a full install, and got stuck on the wireless because of the hardware Broadcomm. When I plugged in the IP cable, it resolved the issue with the Broadcomm wireless and made it active.
I've used the same thumbdrive to boot a nearly new notebook and a 10 year old notebook. Never had a problem and it was fairly quick, relatively speaking. If it is slow, try a different thumbdrive OR a different image.
Sometimes though, it is worth opening the book to learn how to do something.