It seems we now have TSA employees trolling pilots' web boards to defend otherwise indefensible actions.
Boy, now there's a nice use of my tax money.
Is this a reference to me? If so, let me be perfectly clear. I am not now, nor I have I ever been, an employee of the TSA.
Indeed, I haven't made a single normative claim about the TSA in this thread. I have merely pointed out logical errors, and now I must point out another: that you conjured up a ridiculous premise (that the TSA is reading this thread) from no evidence whatsoever. I would guess for political reasons.
Let me say this. Many of us who have served this nation in and out of uniform are growing increasingly irritated by the irrational, outspoken, and polemical behavior of our fellow citizens, especially here on the Internet where one need not stand face-to-face with another man and defend his opinions. Quiet professionalism only goes so far, and you're going to find it increasingly common to be called out when you say something ridiculous or unfounded.
The TSA is an easy target. I get it. Their employees, especially those with whom we regularly interact, have a rote job that requires no particular skill. We encounter them only at the airport, where they invariably are another inconvenience in an already stressful environment.
But here's something you'd know if you'd ever spent a day in your life in service to your nation: It's one team, one fight, and that green TSA screener is a vital part of a system designed to keep us safe. You may not understand that, you may not appreciate that, but it is the case. Now, I do know the threats we face as a nation. And I am thankful for the work that the TSA does on our behalf.