That said, if we had zero security do you really think the bad guys wouldn’t try to bring down an airliner?? Many of you advocate ZERO security.
Personally, I advocate whatever security the airlines and their customers want to pay for. Not billions a year for fake security and an entirely new cabinet level position of government to administrate it.
If people have to pay cash up front for their “security” and not via hidden billion dollar loans, they might even pay attention to which politicians make sure to **** off half the planet and hang them in the public square.
But either way, it never should have been the government’s job to secure a private transportation business’ vehicles or the place you hop on them.
Sure, post some real deputized cops. That’s fine. Even a more active Air Marshal System. But don’t provide airlines with fake federal cops in blueberry suits who don’t even have arrest authority. Let them hire their own rent a cops for the checkpoints.
The entire idea of government checkpoints for travel has a whole bunch of serious legal problems with it. Should have always been the airline’s responsibility to secure their stuff.
Can even have competing airlines with levels of security that the customer wants. Everything from “screw it, we’re going to Vegas”, on up to “full strip search and anal cavity probe”. Whatever makes their particular customer base feel the most happy.
Socializing constitutionally questionable rent-a-cops and putting a massively expensive and useless bureaucracy over it, has always been ridiculous.
Make travel hideously expensive for Americans and maybe they’ll start to have second thoughts about being the world’s military police force, too. But that would just be a bonus side effect.
The key part here also is that any deputized officers at an airport answer to an elected official, at best one layer away to an appointed one. Not a ten layer deep appointed bureaucracy in DC. Local. That way if they’re hiring scumbags like the perverts at DEN, the local politicians get directly politically harmed, and instant feedback loop.
Same thing with the rent-a-cops... hire the wrong people or ineffective ones, airline goes bankrupt when they screw it up.
Good motivations to get it right, effective, and cost conscious, all built in.