Trying to get to OSH


Final Approach
Feb 21, 2005
Southwest MO
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Well, I'm stuck here in Kirksville, MO listening to the thunder wishing my airplane was in a hangar. Kim is going to have a tough time flying to Kirksville from Kansas City to meet me today. When she makes it here we are going to have to work our way through Iowa, today or tomorrow, or the next day or the next day.

I broke the plug-in that charges the 496 when I tried to pull it out yesterday after I landed here, but fortunately my sweetie had packed another one in our avionics bag. Those plugs sure break apart easily.

I wonder if the RAGBRAI bikers are getting wet in Iowa.
Thanks Kevin. :) I called the FBO and left a message at 6:00 a.m. and they put the airplane in a hangar as soon as they opened up. The guy said he was drenched. What a sweetie. He said I could keep the courtesy car as long as I wanted today. I really like this FBO. :yes: :yes: The guys are really great here. Sometimes they get stuck with me for two or three days when I work my way up to OSH.
When she makes it here we are going to have to work our way through Iowa, today or tomorrow, or the next day or the next day.

Diana, if you have to stop in Iowa and are anywhere near DBQ, let me know. Maybe we can arrange something.

We will be heading out to OSH on Sunday morning.

seems to be an annual tradition diana :) as always, you ladies are welcome in Ames if you get to the area. I think we could get the citab and bird dog in hangars. Ill be on a charter till about 8:30 tonight. have a good flight!
Well the good news is, once you get here, the weather looks great for the next several days! (Yippee!)

Have a safe trip!
Well, I'm stuck here in Kirksville, MO listening to the thunder wishing my airplane was in a hangar. Kim is going to have a tough time flying to Kirksville from Kansas City to meet me today. When she makes it here we are going to have to work our way through Iowa, today or tomorrow, or the next day or the next day.

I broke the plug-in that charges the 496 when I tried to pull it out yesterday after I landed here, but fortunately my sweetie had packed another one in our avionics bag. Those plugs sure break apart easily.

I wonder if the RAGBRAI bikers are getting wet in Iowa.

Good luck, Diana! I picked Rachel up in Tama-Toledo last night after her last day of RAGBRAI (mine was the day before). On the way back, we hit rain, and it really hasn't moved much at all today. Low scuzzy drizzly clouds here.

Be careful with that 3/496 power cord. I broke it off in Santa Fe, NM when we went to Vegas last year. Luckily, I had enough power to direct me away from the storms, and enough to give me an idea of weather ahead once we got back to IA. You're not the only one that has had problems with them.

RAGBRAI goes from Tama-Toledo to North Liberty (near Iowa City) today, so it looks like they got wet last night or early this morning, but should be in the dry by now.
Diana, if you have to stop in Iowa and are anywhere near DBQ, let me know. Maybe we can arrange something.

seems to be an annual tradition diana :) as always, you ladies are welcome in Ames if you get to the area. I think we could get the citab and bird dog in hangars. Ill be on a charter till about 8:30 tonight. have a good flight!
Thanks Greg and Tony....we may take you up on that. Kim is going to keep an eye on the radar and get up to KIRK as soon as she can today. Getting up through Iowa may be work.
Good luck, Diana! I picked Rachel up in Tama-Toledo last night after her last day of RAGBRAI (mine was the day before). On the way back, we hit rain, and it really hasn't moved much at all today. Low scuzzy drizzly clouds here..
We were hoping that it would be nice VFR after this part passed. Doesn't look like it, huh.

Be careful with that 3/496 power cord. I broke it off in Santa Fe, NM when we went to Vegas last year. Luckily, I had enough power to direct me away from the storms, and enough to give me an idea of weather ahead once we got back to IA. You're not the only one that has had problems with them.
I think that is a some kind of design has happened with our 296 too. Tom made LOTS of brownie points for putting an extra one in my bag. :yes:

RAGBRAI goes from Tama-Toledo to North Liberty (near Iowa City) today, so it looks like they got wet last night or early this morning, but should be in the dry by now.
Where is Chip? Is he getting wet?
Chip should be dry, they had an RV to sleep in and now that the rain has passed im sure they are on the road.

terminal forecasts in central iowa at least are not promising, with an 800 scattered layer predicted basically all day. i think im actually going to have to shoot an approach today! be careful out there.
i know that there are hangars there, not sure about availability. Ben Kreager who lurks here and occasionally posts is based there and works for the FBO, ill get you his number.

and like I said, my hangar and Chris Jones' hangar are open right now in Ames, although I know its a bit out of your way.
i know that there are hangars there, not sure about availability. Ben Kreager who lurks here and occasionally posts is based there and works for the FBO, ill get you his number.

and like I said, my hangar and Chris Jones' hangar are open right now in Ames, although I know its a bit out of your way.

Yep. My hangar is completely empty now if ya'll need it.
Kim and Diana: Good luck on the trip. There are lots of wishing you blue skies...
Kim and Diana: Good luck on the trip. There are lots of wishing you blue skies...
How nice...thank you Brian! :cheerswine:

At least my baby is in a hangar. The FBO couldn't be nicer. I still have their car, but I'm headed back out to the airport when the hotel kicks me out. :D Then I'll get on the computer out there and watch the weather and hope it turns VFR when the storms clear out of here. And there are rooms availble at the hotel if I need to come back tonight. After awhile you get used to dealing with these weather delays and make the best of it. Although, it might be more fun if Tom were with me.
Thank you Chris...I really appreciate the offer! You guys are really sweet!:yes:

If ya'll do make it up here this far, let me know and I can get you a set of wheels to tool around in until the weather clears enough for you to continue. I'll even let you choose between my Jeep Wrangler (soft top) or the good 'ol beater pickup truck. :yes: :)
New plan.....takeoff time for Pardon's is 7 a.m.....Diana better be ready to go by the time we arrive....and she better have all that nasty weather cleared out up north....

She's probably grazing at the Ponderosa buffet right now then heading to the hotel to drink wine alone.....

Poor girl....what a day....

Aviation teaches patience.....:yes:
Diana better be ready to go by the time we arrive....and she better have all that nasty weather cleared out up north.... :
:fcross: I'll see what I can do. :D

She's probably grazing at the Ponderosa buffet right now then heading to the hotel to drink wine alone.....

Poor girl....what a day....
Well, tonight the junker airport car decided to drive right on past the Pondersa buffet and decided to stop at the Chinese buffet instead. It seemed odd somehow to be listening to a country western song titled "Honky Tonk" while grazing at the Chinese buffet. Shortly I'll wander up to my room and sip White Zin from a little plastic bottle....all alone. And so it goes...the life of the VFR pilot. :D

Aviation teaches patience.....:yes:
:yes: :yes: :yes:
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Oh, memories of Ainsworth. Got thundered out into Alliance (100 wsw of ANW) one year and set it down to the ******Ndest lightning show I've been privy to in my lifetime.

Took the ratty airport car ("don't worry about the transmission, it will eventually shift out of low) to the motel and went to the only buffet in town. It showed promise; lots of local cars outside and local folks inside. I should have had a clue. "Prime Rib Tonight $6.95"

Prime rib was (I swear to the Lord Holy Budda) sirloin tips in brown gravy. That was good, in that you could tell it from the "pork chops" (pork ends and pieces) in gray gravy or the ham (fatty chunks of mystery meat) in red gravy.

The attendants were helpful, in that each of them carried a flyswatter and chased the little buggers off the food until they had a chance to swat them and sweep them onto the floor.

I actually heard one of the local yokels behind me say, "Hey Mabel, look, they've got lemon Jello for dessert."

Now don't get me wrong. The folks running Alliance airport and Ainsworth airport are the salt of the earth. So far as I'm concerned, they are doing one hell of a job in a difficult environment and I think the world of them.

The towns on the other hand...with the exception of the pizza joint in Ainsworth where I had ... honest to Gesundheit ... the best chicken wings of my life ... are interesting if you enjoy flies enjoying your meal along with you.

The folks running Alliance airport and Ainsworth airport are the salt of the earth. So far as I'm concerned, they are doing one hell of a job in a difficult environment and I think the world of them.
I used to sometimes spend the day at Alliance airport with Jack the cat. One day I was taking a nap in the airplane with the door open and the next thing I knew he was in there with me. Good thing I noticed or he would have been on his was to Denver. This was about 8 years ago so I fear Jack the cat is no more. :(
I used to sometimes spend the day at Alliance airport with Jack the cat.

Oh, Jack the Cat is/was a trip. You couldn't sign for gas, or sit down in a chair without Jack noodling your pen or batting at your hands. Wonderful cat. I hope if Jack Sr. has gone to that great litter box in the sky that the staff has broken in a Jack Jr. kitten in the same genre as the "original Jack the Cat".

I used to sometimes spend the day at Alliance airport with Jack the cat. One day I was taking a nap in the airplane with the door open and the next thing I knew he was in there with me. Good thing I noticed or he would have been on his was to Denver. This was about 8 years ago so I fear Jack the cat is no more. :(
Oh, I hope you're wrong. Buddy, our airport cat, has been there for about 17 years. He's currently trying to fight off cancer, and has had half his tail amputated, but he's our baby!
Just got a note from Diana. There's a flood where she is. She had to evacuate the hotel (I think). Anyway, she said the water was shin-deep and they had to move the cars except there was no place to move them to so they are all stranded. :eek:
Talking to Diana at 2:15 am and she is in here hotel, surrounded by lightening and wet, smelly clothes.
Now THAT's an AirVenture get the hell out of there asap....we'll meet you a little farther north.

This weather is making me crabby! I'll call you at 6.....t-storms here right now. I hope Phil will be willing to make a dash for it when we have a chance.
Who knew you'd find a reason to add "tetanus shot" to your list of things to do to get ready for OSH? I think you should pick a new place to stop....:D:D
...Kim, I think that Diana is so charismatic, even the BAD weather wants to follow her around!
Here is a picture of a car that floated out of the Holiday Inn parking lot last night during the flood......Diana called me a few minutes ago and asked if I would post it for of the cutest things she said this morning was that her airport courtesy car has one of those door handles that feels like it's going to break off any second....and she was worrying about that as she evacuated her hotel last night with water up to her shins.....:rolleyes:


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Here is a picture of a car that floated out of the Holiday Inn parking lot last night during the flood......Diana called me a few minutes ago and asked if I would post it for of the cutest things she said this morning was that her airport courtesy car has one of those door handles that feels like it's going to break off any second....and she was worrying about that as she evacuated her hotel last night with water up to her shins.....:rolleyes:
Kim, thanks for posting that picture for me. :) I finally was able to reach the airport on the phone and the airplane is OK. The guy there said we had 10 inches of rain during the night here. The roads are flooded over just north of the hotel but the road to the airport is OK. When I moved the airport car this morning the brakes were grabbing, but hopefully they will dry out?

Good luck on your flght this morning. Let me know when you land. :yes: I may just go back to bed since Iowa has poopy weather for VFR people who are where I am.

(These wet shoes feel yucky.)
Oh, and it WAS kinda interesting how many people were running out in the rain and flood water and yelling while the lightening was vivid and they were in their jammies.
Oh, and it WAS kinda interesting how many people were running out in the rain and flood water and yelling while the lightening was vivid and they were in their jammies.

Always take your cutest jammies when traveling.....and at the VERY LEAST, ones that cover your bottom nicely...:yes: