Troll Detection and POA circuitboard

Again, that is my point. I personally have used the report button. Sometimes action is taken. Sometimes not. But what I have noticed in recent months is that whether action is taken or not seems to be dependent on who made the reported post.

I respect the need for moderation, I simply request consistent moderation.

I understand your general point but can you define "consistent moderation"? Every person has a different idea of what should be allowed and what should not. So your opinion of what should be "moderated" may be quite different from my idea. The moderator who is supposed to be moderating may have a third completely different view from both too. So really you're going to be disappointed if you're expecting others to see the world the same way you do.
I understand your general point but can you define "consistent moderation"? Every person has a different idea of what should be allowed and what should not. So your opinion of what should be "moderated" may be quite different from my idea. The moderator who is supposed to be moderating may have a third completely different view from both too. So really you're going to be disappointed if you're expecting others to see the world the same way you do.

I think you missed his point. He's simply stating that they need to treat me the same way they treat Henning and R&W and you and even Clark!...regardless of the views or whether anyone agrees with them or not.

I'm not saying they don't...just saying that was his point.
I can't call anyone an asshat. The newest mod lives too close to me and has access to some of the best Hatch chili peppers for making salsa.
You're confusing 'asshat' with 'hatchass'.
Neither is something to strive for but they are oh so different.

who knows one stings and one burns.
I believe you're over-reacting.

When I no longer see the need to PM Noobs and tell them...

"Don't listen to Henning on this topic...listen to Lauren, Clark and Fast Eddie. They know what they're talking about on this topic, Henning doesn't. He's just blowing smoke."

...then I'll agree with you.

I can't begin to count how many times I've done that and how many times I've been thanked for doing so.

I'd enjoy this place far more if the need for that went away.

I challenge everyone here today to double or triple their contributions to POA. This is the fundamental step required to build a better POA tomorrow while righting the many wrongs of yesterday. Through all of our contributions we can build a better tomorrow starting tomorrow. Yes, it's all for the good of the children and their future in POA. Remember the POA motto and we shall march forward to victory tomorrow!
I challenge everyone here today to double or triple their contributions to POA. This is the fundamental step required to build a better POA tomorrow while righting the many wrongs of yesterday. Through all of our contributions we can build a better tomorrow starting tomorrow. Yes, it's all for the good of the children and their future in POA. Remember the POA motto and we shall march forward to victory tomorrow!
Oh my...

Don't quit your day job and try for one as a motivational speaker. :eek: :D
I challenge everyone here today to double or triple their contributions to POA. This is the fundamental step required to build a better POA tomorrow while righting the many wrongs of yesterday. Through all of our contributions we can build a better tomorrow starting tomorrow. Yes, it's all for the good of the children and their future in POA. Remember the POA motto and we shall march forward to victory tomorrow!

Knock Knock..........
I challenge everyone here today to double or triple their contributions to POA. This is the fundamental step required to build a better POA tomorrow while righting the many wrongs of yesterday. Through all of our contributions we can build a better tomorrow starting tomorrow. Yes, it's all for the good of the children and their future in POA. Remember the POA motto and we shall march forward to victory tomorrow!

I am in..... I will donate 3 sheep a month for the next decade.....;)...

Honestly though...... I am a type A kinda guy who sometimes steps over the line and on a few occasions the mods have chastised me.. I had it coming and I was treated firmly but fairly on those occasions.... Also... A few months back I did double post on a ongoing topic.. I reported it to the mods and they deleted my post within an hour.... So.. They are NOT asleep at the switch....

I sometimes ride Mari pretty hard with my " girls " jokes and she takes it in stride and so far she had not filed a restraining order against me..:redface::redface:..

Thanks Mari ( and all the other mods) for your mod service and patience...:thumbsup:..

Now.... back to the hot tub...:):D
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Who is there?


knock knock...........
I'm glad you brought that up, because it illustrates perfectly the inconsistent moderation here at POA.

R&W was hardly the only person making that insinuation, nor was he the most vocal. The most vocal insinuator is also happens to be known for personal attacks and telling others routinely to 'F-off' or referring to them as 'asshats'. But that seems to be okay.

There was also a 4th poster in the A&P Parts thread who was just as guilty of personal attacks as anyone else, but he was not suspended.

Moderation is only good if it is consistent and fair.

We only moderate reported posts. If you have a problem with asshat posts, report them.

Moderation is only good if the reporting is consistent. I can assure you the Rules of Conduct are applies consistently. We also try to error on the side of NOT moderating whenever possible.
I've got an idea... Unless THREE people report a post, we consider the community isn't offended enough for us mods to consider it... Doesn't even enter our "reported post" queue until there are three reports.

THEN we consider it, and take action if three mods agree (as we do already).

That would cut our review work by 95%, I reckon.
I've got an idea... Unless THREE people report a post, we consider the community isn't offended enough for us mods to consider it... Doesn't even enter our "reported post" queue until there are three reports.

THEN we consider it, and take action if three mods agree (as we do already).

That would cut our review work by 95%, I reckon.

That actually sounds like a good idea.

Now, I need two more people to report Troy's butthurt azzhat post! :wink2:
Wait a minute....are there actually people who forward posts to the mods saying "waaah, this person is being mean waahh " ?!?!? Really?!?
Waahh, this person is a troll waahh.
Waaahh I'm on the internet and someone said something I don't like waahh.

Damn, sorry mods. I still think u do a fine job.
And, of course, everyone should report one of Ed's posts...any one of them...just is Ed after all...
And, of course, everyone should report one of Ed's posts...any one of them...just is Ed after all...

Well, if you remember Tim, at least last year he did warn Greg about his Nomex series of posts while we were at Gastons.
And the. FABULOUS "I can only pass my checkrides when inebriated" thread.

That post is the reason I am going to Gaston's this year.
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when that was concocted