Troll Detection and POA circuitboard


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Just wanted to let you know that I have accessed the POA server settings and reduced the Troll Detection Sensitivity pot. by 50%. Not sure how, but apparently it got bumped way too high during the last maintenance event! It was causing many posters to think they had a troll on their hands....when in fact, it was just normal folks asking questions. Carry on, things should be a lot better now.

Good news! I've been really wanting to ask the best way to avoid spilling my beer while doing snap rolls in a cherokee. Obviously the cole slaw is in a sealed tupperware container and that's where it shall stay but there really doesn't seem to be a great way to re-seal an opened beer in flight.
Really, we haven't had trolls in awhile.
Last year it was bad but I don't think I have seen any real trolls like before

Pflemming, Whats his jenkins, WrightBrothersFakedit guy, the one dude that wanted to masturbate and fly, Hocky / Hackey.. Been awhile
Dave, I'm a gonna have to turn you in for hacking into Greg's mod account...

...not that that's ever been done before.
Trollin on the river...
Cowman... go to Petsmart and get the plastic lids they sell for re-closing petfood cans...

Perfect fit for those brewski's, and they handle negative G's better than the old saran wrap and rubber band route.
Just wanted to let you know that I have accessed the POA server settings and reduced the Troll Detection Sensitivity pot. by 50%. Not sure how, but apparently it got bumped way too high during the last maintenance event! It was causing many posters to think they had a troll on their hands....when in fact, it was just normal folks asking questions. Carry on, things should be a lot better now.


Could please define "normal?"

What does it do if it detects/suspects a troll? Are users flagged in some way or banned? I haven't seen this. Is this a joke? Have I been duped?
Really, we haven't had trolls in awhile.
Last year it was bad but I don't think I have seen any real trolls like before

Pflemming, Whats his jenkins, WrightBrothersFakedit guy, the one dude that wanted to masturbate and fly, Hocky / Hackey.. Been awhile

The fact that you remember all of them that well may finally be proof that they're one of you!
Where is Rotor and Wing with his nifty trolling thingie...:dunno::dunno:

It seems that he and Henning have been given a time out by the MC. Proof that troll detection has indeed been tweaked here. :goofy:

(For the record, I like R&W...but he does get carried away most of us. Henning OTOH...well...)

It seems that he and Henning have been given a time out by the MC. Proof that troll detection has indeed been tweaked here. :goofy:

(For the record, I like R&W...but he does get carried away most of us. Henning OTOH...well...)


frcabot seems to be on leve too.
It seems that he and Henning have been given a time out by the MC. Proof that troll detection has indeed been tweaked here. :goofy:

(For the record, I like R&W...but he does get carried away most of us. Henning OTOH...well...)


R&W posted yesterday.

As for Henning, I suspect something like this:

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
That started from this tropic port
Aboard this tiny ship.

The mate was a mighty sailing man,
The skipper brave and sure.
Five passengers set sail that day
For a three hour tour, a three hour tour.

The weather started getting rough,
The tiny ship was tossed,
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
The minnow would be lost, the minnow would be lost.

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Just wanted to let you know that I have accessed the POA server settings and reduced the Troll Detection Sensitivity pot. by 50%. Not sure how, but apparently it got bumped way too high during the last maintenance event! It was causing many posters to think they had a troll on their hands....when in fact, it was just normal folks asking questions. Carry on, things should be a lot better now.


Something may be wrong with me... I like R&W and Henning.

Maybe I'm a troll. Which would probably surprise a few people here who've met me in person (NOT "in the flesh" though :))
Is it possible that every one here on POA EXCEPT Henning and R&W are trolls? Food for thought....

Edited to add: Let's add EdFred to the list. LOL

R&W posted yesterday.

As for Henning, I suspect something like this:

Look at one of those R&W posts and you'll see it says "suspended" under his name......same for Henning. I assumed the two of them got into another of their infamous pizzing contests in a thread somewhere.

frcabot seems to be on leve too.

Nope, he's still here, not that I'd notice, I have him blocked anyway...
R&W posted yesterday.

As for Henning, I suspect something like this...

If you look under their names to the left of their posts, it says "suspended" for both of them.
Something may be wrong with me... I like R&W and Henning.

Me too, but looking at recent posts, there was an exchange of personal attacks between them.
Just wanted to let you know that I have accessed the POA server settings and reduced the Troll Detection Sensitivity pot. by 50%. Not sure how, but apparently it got bumped way too high during the last maintenance event! It was causing many posters to think they had a troll on their hands....when in fact, it was just normal folks asking questions. Carry on, things should be a lot better now.


:thumbsup: :cheerswine:
The fact that you remember all of them that well may finally be proof that they're one of you!


I tried 1 time under an unregistered account (which was part of the shtick) and it was about 3 minutes before I was outed. I think I am pretty easy to spot.
I like trolling ... when I'm being lazy and someone else is driving the boat. Otherwise, I prefer flycasting.

I tried 1 time under an unregistered account (which was part of the shtick) and it was about 3 minutes before I was outed. I think I am pretty easy to spot.

I actually remember reading that. You're quite unique. Perhaps the perception that you're that identifiable is part of your sociopathic tendencies... crap.

How much of that bleeds in to the real world? hah.