Trevor Jacob


Pre-takeoff checklist
Apr 9, 2017
S Illinois
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Midwest Aviator

Not sure where to post this. Apparently this guy is back. like he got his license back. I can not believe he'd be allowed to have those privileges back.
That is funny in a not so funny way.
What did this guy do???
Staged a crash. He made a Youtube video of himself flying a Taylorcraft, having an engine failure and unable to restart, and bailing out. Pilots who saw the video almost immediately called it out as staged. He’d altered the fuel system, was wearing a chute in a non-aerobatic plane, and had fire extinguishers strapped to his legs. It was clear that he deliberately stopped the engine, faked it being an emergency, bailed out, and was prepared for a post-crash fire.

His purpose was to generate clicks so he’d make more from his monetized Youtube channel.

The FAA knew it, too, and shut him down.
Thanks. He belongs in prison. How the heck did he gethis cert back?
Take note boys and girls, this is what undiagnosed narcissism disorder looks and sounds like. Perfectly curated in the cloud for all to like and subscribe. Psychology departments should incorporate the content in their curricula, zero sarcasm it's honestly the only net value added to this content existing in the first place. Perhaps homeboy could avail himself to some of uncle sammy's mental health resources while at club Fed.
Take note boys and girls, this is what undiagnosed narcissism disorder looks and sounds like. Perfectly curated in the cloud for all to like and subscribe. Psychology departments should incorporate the content in their curricula, zero sarcasm it's honestly the only net value added to this content existing in the first place. Perhaps homeboy could avail himself to some of uncle sammy's mental health resources while at club Fed.
"“While I carefully researched the plane route to make sure the crash would not be near human housing or trail routes, I should have never gone forward with it,” Jacob wrote, adding the FAA has since reinstated his pilot license."
Narcissist never admit to wrongdoing.
He was sentenced yesterday to 6 months in prison, then 2 years supervised release. Charge was obstruction of justice - lying and hiding evidence during the investigation.
I feel bad for the dog.

As to the FAA? They're just following the rules, not being proactive. So he intentionally crashed an airplane once. What are the chances he'll do it a second time? :)

The funny thing is, he wouldn't qualify to be a notary in NY now. But he can be a pilot!
Didn’t he just get sentenced to prison for his coverup and destroying the airplane? Or was that old news reported late?
Didn’t he just get sentenced to prison for his coverup and destroying the airplane? Or was that old news reported late?
That was the criminal side of things.

It appears that the administrative side of things (revoking his license) happened a while back, so he is eligible to have his license reinstated.
I read this morning that he is/was a snowboarder. THAT answers a lot of questions for me. I wonder if YT has any rules about illegal behavior monetized on a YT channel???????
OK, but the violation that caused his ticket to be pulled was pretty serious. Meanwhile, the FAA denies a medical to a guy who confessed to smoking one joint years earlier. Seems uneven.
He actually had a video where he claimed to have suicidal ideations after his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend.

I'm not gonna watch this jabronie's monetized videos, but the plane he was flying there...was it an LSA? Could he have got his sport pilot license instead of his private?
"“While I carefully researched the plane route to make sure the crash would not be near human housing or trail routes, I should have never gone forward with it,” Jacob wrote, adding the FAA has since reinstated his pilot license."
Narcissist never admit to wrongdoing.
They do when their criminal defense attorney writes something for them to sign in the effort of getting a reduced sentence. Don't worry, they're not sincere about it.

Not sure where to post this. Apparently this guy is back. like he got his license back. I can not believe he'd be allowed to have those privileges back.
I don’t see proof he got his cert back. The FAA shows he has a 3rd class medical issued 11/23 but no certificate. In this video he claims he passed his check ride on June 17th while thumbing through paperwork that is unreadable.
This happened long enough ago that I missed the timing. The emergency revocation was in April 2022, so he was eligible a year later.

But he won't be flying for the next six months.
The concept of being eligible for a certificate after having yours revoked will never make any sense to me.
The concept of being eligible for a certificate after having yours revoked will never make any sense to me.

The concept of being eligible for a certificate after having yours revoked could make sense to me. The concept of TREVOR JACOB being eligible for a certificate after having it revoked does not.
Who knows. If Trevor gets reinstated then there is hope for Joseph David Emerson, the off-duty Alaskan Airlines pilot that tired to kill the engines in flight after doing some shrooms. It's a nutty world ...
I wonder if he had just passed a checkride before creating that new video. I don't know how quickly data flows from IACRA to the registry.
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I wonder if he had just passed a checkride before creating that new video. I don't know how quickly data flows from IACRA to the registry.
If he did pass a check ride, I wonder how long that DPE will remain a DPE. FAA can tolerate some things, but being publicly embarrassed is not one of them (nor should it, especially in this case - this is the ultimate "anti authority" dangerous attitude).
Is it too much to ask that the minimum sentence for a crime be no less than the time between commitment of the crime and the conviction? If it takes two years to convict a guy, I don't think the sentence should be any less than two years...
Is it too much to ask that the minimum sentence for a crime be no less than the time between commitment of the crime and the conviction? If it takes two years to convict a guy, I don't think the sentence should be any less than two years...
Then the prosecution will delay the trail for a few years just to get a longer sentence for a relatively minor offense.
Maybe flying without a license is a violation of his plea agreement and they will revisit the sentence?
I haven’t watched his new video and won’t, was he actually the one flying?
In the vid, he claims he passed a checkride in June, shows his logbook, and flies with a passenger.
Clerical error on the original issuance mark? How could that even be inputted into IRACA? Also, how can a certificate number be pending? No matter the rating, it comes all the way forward from a person’s original student certificate number and never changes.
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"blamed ADHD"

"was in "a lonely place""

Previously admitted to suicidal thoughts, probably for clicks. But who cares.

Pull this dudes medical. He's a hazard to everybody.
"blamed ADHD"

"was in "a lonely place""

Previously admitted to suicidal thoughts, probably for clicks. But who cares.

Pull this dudes medical. He's a hazard to everybody.
What's that line from "Airplane"....?

[Lloyd Bridges talking on the phone] "He's a danger to everything in the sky!" (pauses for a moment) "Yes, even bees....."

Ron "I've got the clearance, Clarence" Wanttaja